10 Random Things Lately

I could say that life has been busy lately….that would be an understatement. But I’m guessing you probably presumed that when I disappeared a few weeks ago. Since it’s been sooo long since I shared anything, I thought I’d share 10 random things from life lately…

  • The older boys went to their very first wedding. And they had the very best time dancing, eating, and drinking special drinks. Not to mention that they looked so handsome!
  • Harrison is rounding out the end of his Kindergarten year. That seems impossible to believe…but it’s nearly here! We had his school’s open house, and he loved showing us around the school and everything he’s worked on this year!

We celebrated Harrison’s sixth birthday with friends! AND a Mommy & Daddy date to Top Golf. If you thought he would have the BEST time at Top Golf, you would be right.

We installed and planted two raised beds near our new shed. I’m growing lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and raspberries. Crossing my fingers that we’re successful! I haven’t been much of a food gardener until this year.

We all tested positive for strep (besides Nathan) four days before leaving for Florida with my sister’s family. Poor baby Aidan has been on antibiotics for ear infections so often recently that they had to treat him with daily shots this time around. I was just thankful to have found it before we left and got on the airplane! At least strep is an easy fix.

And of course with it being springtime, I am busy planting, planting, planting! And so excited this year to help people with their summer containers. It’s doubly fun dreaming up combinations for customers and getting them installed!

Jonathan has taken to calling adding sugar to your cereal as adding “seasoning.” He routinely asks us for Cheerios with seasoning now. When do we live in a world where kids name everything?

Shortly after Aidan’s first birthday, he started walking. And now we have a baby walking everywhere! He wants to get into all the things, climb all of the stairs, and absolutely does not want to be left by himself EVER. He now has mastered Mama, Dada, and a lot of telling us “MO! Mo! Mo!” while signing “More.” He’s also recently added “yeah” to his repertoire, and we love asking him yes or no questions to hear him say, “Yeah?”

He’s officially moved up to the Toddler classroom at school, and I guess that fully shuts a door on baby years. We have been so blessed to have three sweet, healthy babies and for me to have been able to enjoy six months off with each of them during my maternity leave.

My little business has been growing faster than I had ever imagined! I absolutely love everything about it – from helping with landscape consultations, to full blown landscape drawings and renderings, and container installations. It’s been so much fun!

I’m hoping that I can get back to a more consistent posting schedule, but I think I may need to make it through May before that kind of time frees up!

What have you been up to this month?


2 thoughts on “10 Random Things Lately

  1. Such a great recap! I can’t believe that your boys have officially left the baby years behind. Wow that year flew. So glad everyone was feeling better during your trip since you discovered the strep ahead of time.

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