Dear Jonathan, on your Fourth Birthday

It’s your fourth birthday today! You are so easy to love. I don’t know anyone who has met you and spent time with you that doesn’t adore Big J. You radiate the kind of energy that’s magnetizing. The kind of energy kids and adults want to be around. You are so silly and so unabashedly yourself. It’s refreshing to know and love you, little boy.

Your emotions live close the surface. And even though that’s a really hard trait sometimes in life, I wish I could protect that and nurture it so that it never goes away. It will be your greatest strength when you fall in love, and the hardest part of having your heart broken. But I pray that you live your life with your heart open for forever. It’s what makes you so uniquely you.

Well, that and your adoration of lawn mowers and tractors. You hear lawn mowers from a mile away. You spot lawn mowers everywhere we go. Your favorite weekend activity is mowing with your Daddy. And it’s been that way for years. If you don’t grow up to own a lawn mowing business or a farm, I will truly be shocked. You ask to see people’s mowers when you first meet them. Your favorite play date activity is yard work. You notice a nicely mowed lawn everywhere we go.

Your daddy and I are so very blessed to be your parents. To have a front row seat to your growing up. It is the most magnificent journey, and there are more times than I can count where your Daddy has sat down beside me at night after you go to bed and said, “Man. I didn’t know I needed a Big J in my life, but he is the coolest kid I think I’ve ever met. I love him more than I could have ever imagined loving someone.”

I love you bud. Or as you tell me at night now with your arms wrapped around my neck, “I love you so so so so so so so so so sooooo much.”

All my love,


P.S. Yes, you can have a birthday treat. 🙂

7 Quick Jonathan Takes 2024

A round up of a few things that are so uniquely Jonathan Brooks for your enjoyment and for my memory, so I can recall these things forever.

-1- When he’s playing a sport with Harrison or Nathan, he likes to choose “who” he’s being. Then while playing, he must be referred to by his name. Absolutely do not call him Jonathan or Big J. “I’m BOBBY!” or Vinny….or Reese James.

-2- At four years old, he thrives with a mid-day nap while sucking on his “lovey.”

-3- He routinely reminds us that “Aidy baby is the cutest.”

-4- His favorite dinner is breakfast for dinner. Waffles, french toast, pancakes, scrambled eggs. He loooooves breakfast. And treats.

-5- He loves driving the blue truck, and has the most enviable spatial awareness when he’s backing up. The man throws it into reverse, cranks the wheel with one hand, and looks over his shoulder like a PRO.

-6- He is a farm boy at heart. I think every single one of these I’ve done for Big J includes something about mowing. He loves mowers. Weed whackers. Leaf blowers. Tractors. Trucks. He was meant to be a little country boy. In fact, he now regularly tells me the type of mower….”That’s a John Deere zero turn.” And he’s only asked me specifically for a John Deere ride on zero turn mower for his birthday more times than I can count.

Like any good grandparent, Mimi contemplated making Jonathan’s wildest dreams come true and then thought better of it. 🙂

-7- He is such a second born – he routinely does little “pokes” at Harrison that aren’t outright mean or wrong, but just enough to get under his skin. And then when Harrison blows up, and J is confronted about his actions, he’ll stand there smiling slyly, full well knowing what he did.

My June 2024 Garden

It surely feels like full blown summer over here! The garden is packed full, and there’s something new to look at every day I go out to explore. This summer, we added a new garden bed around our shed including two raised beds for vegetables and fruits. AND I finally got around to planting the garden bed on the east side of our house that’s primarily a shade garden.

Here’s a look around my gardens this time of year…

You didn’t think I could possibly post any more garden pictures than I had in previous years, did you? I’m always up for a good challenge.

10 Random Things Lately

I could say that life has been busy lately….that would be an understatement. But I’m guessing you probably presumed that when I disappeared a few weeks ago. Since it’s been sooo long since I shared anything, I thought I’d share 10 random things from life lately…

  • The older boys went to their very first wedding. And they had the very best time dancing, eating, and drinking special drinks. Not to mention that they looked so handsome!
  • Harrison is rounding out the end of his Kindergarten year. That seems impossible to believe…but it’s nearly here! We had his school’s open house, and he loved showing us around the school and everything he’s worked on this year!

We celebrated Harrison’s sixth birthday with friends! AND a Mommy & Daddy date to Top Golf. If you thought he would have the BEST time at Top Golf, you would be right.

We installed and planted two raised beds near our new shed. I’m growing lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and raspberries. Crossing my fingers that we’re successful! I haven’t been much of a food gardener until this year.

We all tested positive for strep (besides Nathan) four days before leaving for Florida with my sister’s family. Poor baby Aidan has been on antibiotics for ear infections so often recently that they had to treat him with daily shots this time around. I was just thankful to have found it before we left and got on the airplane! At least strep is an easy fix.

And of course with it being springtime, I am busy planting, planting, planting! And so excited this year to help people with their summer containers. It’s doubly fun dreaming up combinations for customers and getting them installed!

Jonathan has taken to calling adding sugar to your cereal as adding “seasoning.” He routinely asks us for Cheerios with seasoning now. When do we live in a world where kids name everything?

Shortly after Aidan’s first birthday, he started walking. And now we have a baby walking everywhere! He wants to get into all the things, climb all of the stairs, and absolutely does not want to be left by himself EVER. He now has mastered Mama, Dada, and a lot of telling us “MO! Mo! Mo!” while signing “More.” He’s also recently added “yeah” to his repertoire, and we love asking him yes or no questions to hear him say, “Yeah?”

He’s officially moved up to the Toddler classroom at school, and I guess that fully shuts a door on baby years. We have been so blessed to have three sweet, healthy babies and for me to have been able to enjoy six months off with each of them during my maternity leave.

My little business has been growing faster than I had ever imagined! I absolutely love everything about it – from helping with landscape consultations, to full blown landscape drawings and renderings, and container installations. It’s been so much fun!

I’m hoping that I can get back to a more consistent posting schedule, but I think I may need to make it through May before that kind of time frees up!

What have you been up to this month?


Our 30A Vacation 2024

We just got back from a week long vacation in one of our very favorite places in the whole world: 30A in Florida. We love these beaches, community, shops & restaurants. This time, we were lucky enough to go with the cousins again! (My sister’s family). The kids had a blast. We had so much fun. It was absolutely exhausting but so, so, so many memories made.

Here’s a peek in pictures to our trip…

Baby Aidan’s second airplane trip! We are ready to go and waiting for the boys to park the car and go through security!

Gang’s all here waiting for the airplane!

A quick little airplane catnap for Aidan. Our house this time was in Watercolor. Loved, loved, loved everything about it. It was amazing for us and the kids.

We beached a lot…

Aidan loved his little pool on the beach. It was perfect for him to enjoy the water and sand.

There was lots of snacking…of course.

This was Aidan’s, “Why are you laughing at me, Mom?” after he grabbed two fistfuls of chips.

We had Mom’s day…where my sister and I did some shopping and cocktails and oysters.

The kids absolutely LOVED Camp Watercolor. Most afternoons, we found our way there for an hour of burning off energy after quiet time before dinner.

Of course, we had to go crab hunting when the sun went down. This was our first trip, though, that we didn’t see a single crab! We couldn’t figure it out!

We played a lot of cards after the kids went to bed at night.

Snuck in a date night for each couple…

And of course forced family pictures on the beach at golden hour when everyone is hungry and just wants to go eat….a good time had by all!

We had one rainy morning…and we drove to Destin to catch a movie. I caught a catnap in the car with Cousin Evie

Lots of good family and cousin memories were made! These two were the best of buds…

A great trip!

Already mentally planning our way back there…

Aidan’s First Birthday Party!

We celebrated Aidan’s first birthday uhhh….forever ago….and I have been swamped. The weather ended up being gorgeous – we totally lucked out! We were able to move the party outside for lots of running around, food, cake, and presents.

I chose a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme for our little guy, and designed the invites.

In true third child form, this party really snuck up on me, and so we did very little in the way of decorations and theme items. But Aidan didn’t seem to mind. Some balloons, a few festive garlands, and lots and lots of fruit – which is what our hungry caterpillar loves the most!

Birthday boy up from nap and ready to party!

Aidan was a little unsure of the cake. Not thrilled about the sprinkles in particular touching his hands.

I’m pretty sure Aidan alone ate 80% of the blueberries and grapes himself.

The big boys knew exactly what to do with the cake.

Lick all of the frosting off and leave the cake part…..

Aidan had lots of helpers with his presents. But in particular, it was Jonathan who was most excited about opening the play guitar that he had gotten for Aidan, and then quickly whisking it away because he actually bought it for himself. Hahahahaha

Our last first birthday is in the books! So thankful for this little one each and every day. For making our family complete.

Dear Harrison on your 6th birthday,

Hi, buddy. Happy birthday! I asked you the other day if you were excited about turning six and why, and you said yes! Because it means you can go to first grade! You have always been so excited to get bigger. To learn new things, become more independent, do the big kid things. I look at you these days and all of the baby-ness of you is gone. You have grown into a full blown kid. And man, I just think you are the coolest kid.

I love so many things about you. You are the absolute best brother. Even though at times you’re a little stinker to them…especially Jonathan…wow, you are so protective and loving of them. You frequently tell me that Aidan is your favorite in the family. You love and care for your people so deeply. And you’re upset if you don’t get Mommy hugs before you go to sleep at night. I wish I could hold onto that for forever!

You are the BEST helper. If there is a task to be done, you are happy to roll up your sleeves and help. You love feeling involved, and working with me or Daddy on a project. I love working with you side by side.

You are fiercely competitive. As Daddy says, “If harnessed correctly, it will make you great.” And wow, I can see that already. Your desire to excel in everything you do will no doubt serve you will in life. Never willing to settle for just ok or average.

I sit here writing this, and just feel like its so inadequate to describe how amazing I think you are today. You changed my life forever when you arrived on Friday, April 13th. I had no idea the depth of love I could have for someone. That there would be no greater feeling in the world to have your son look up at you and say, “I love you, Mom.” And even though I’d love to keep you little forever, it is such an honor watching you grow up.

Happy birthday, my love.

Love always,


A Spring House – Home Tour 2024

I always think it’s nice to refresh the house for Spring. There’s something that just brings me so much joy to pull out some faux flowers, add in more color, and await the flowers outside.

Here’s a look at some spring touches in our home this year.

Sawyer is wondering why her nap is being interrupted. 🙂

I love all of these spring colors. After mostly greens and whites for the winter months, the color is a welcome sight.

On a rare trip to the thrift store, I found this little bunny planter that I thought was perfect for Easter and spring.

And last but not least, a few faux flowers for the bedroom.

What’s your favorite spring decoration?

Dear Aidan,

Today is a day of celebration. But will I be sad? Yes. Does today mark the end of baby years in our house? Yes. I didn’t realize fully before I had you how close our bond would be together. You see, as your daddy had to focus on taking care of the big boys each day, it was mostly just you and me day in and day out. Late nights together. So much rocking. Begging you to please sleep for just a little bit longer. Complete exhaustion.

While you were my hardest newborn baby. I knew you were my last. And there was a sense of being able to enjoy it a bit more, because I knew if would be gone in a flash. That in no time at all I would be sitting here today writing you a letter on your first birthday. I knew I’d be longing for those evenings where you’d fall asleep on my chest, and your soft hair would brush against my chin. Where we would sneak away for a quick nap together, you nestled close to me and breathing slowly and contently.

While your nights invariably got longer, and we both got to sleep through the night, a newborn fog lifted to give way to the happiest baby. Squeals of delight are commonplace with you. The way your eyes light up when your brothers talk to you. The insistence of Sawyer not leaving the table at dinnertime because she knows you will feed her half of your food. Your absolute refusal to say “mama” or “dada” when asked. But “Ba. Ba. Ba.” over and over and over again.

Your baby year has been so fully enjoyed by this family. By grandparents who were blessed to be able to help us and care for you for three months before we could get into daycare. By big brothers who were so protective of you, and so proud. By your dad, who cherished his baby Aidan snuggles. And me. Your newborn scent. Your smile. The way you’d cling to me as your safe place. You will forever be so special to me.

I pray every night for you. That you may never doubt how much you are loved. There is no greater honor than being your mom, sweet boy. For all of the ways that you filled me and completed me, I cherish you.

Happy birthday, my Aidy baby.


What’s Up Wednesday {03.27.24}

Happy last Wednesday of the month! Just one day before our little Aidan surprised us a year ago with his appearance! Ahhhh…I just can’t even believe it.

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: We had a favorite of Nathan and minethis week: Chicken Tikka Masala. The boys like the naan bread. Just a complete shock, I’m sure, for all of you that have had young kids. Nothing but carbs.

We’re also having salmon this week and Sausage Vodka Pasta for Aidan’s birthday.


I have so many feelings about our last little boy turning one. It truly doesn’t feel possible that it’s been a year with our baby Aidan. He’s just the sweetest, calmest baby.

Watching Harrison really become so protective of Aidan has been so fun, and Jonathan learning the ropes of big brotherhood – which as this point means having the patience of Job when it comes to Aidan messing up whatever you’re trying to play with.

The day Harrison and Jonathan met their little brother in the hospital will forever be one of my most favorite memories of all. How proud they were of their little bro. Just all of the heart eyes for my boys.

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