7 Quick Jonathan Takes 2024

A round up of a few things that are so uniquely Jonathan Brooks for your enjoyment and for my memory, so I can recall these things forever.

-1- When he’s playing a sport with Harrison or Nathan, he likes to choose “who” he’s being. Then while playing, he must be referred to by his name. Absolutely do not call him Jonathan or Big J. “I’m BOBBY!” or Vinny….or Reese James.

-2- At four years old, he thrives with a mid-day nap while sucking on his “lovey.”

-3- He routinely reminds us that “Aidy baby is the cutest.”

-4- His favorite dinner is breakfast for dinner. Waffles, french toast, pancakes, scrambled eggs. He loooooves breakfast. And treats.

-5- He loves driving the blue truck, and has the most enviable spatial awareness when he’s backing up. The man throws it into reverse, cranks the wheel with one hand, and looks over his shoulder like a PRO.

-6- He is a farm boy at heart. I think every single one of these I’ve done for Big J includes something about mowing. He loves mowers. Weed whackers. Leaf blowers. Tractors. Trucks. He was meant to be a little country boy. In fact, he now regularly tells me the type of mower….”That’s a John Deere zero turn.” And he’s only asked me specifically for a John Deere ride on zero turn mower for his birthday more times than I can count.

Like any good grandparent, Mimi contemplated making Jonathan’s wildest dreams come true and then thought better of it. 🙂

-7- He is such a second born – he routinely does little “pokes” at Harrison that aren’t outright mean or wrong, but just enough to get under his skin. And then when Harrison blows up, and J is confronted about his actions, he’ll stand there smiling slyly, full well knowing what he did.

2 thoughts on “7 Quick Jonathan Takes 2024

  1. Oh that last one made me laugh out loud; I can remember my middle one doing that too! I often called him out on it too. “Don’t look at innocent at me when you’ve been waiting for him to blow up at you”– he used to break out the crocodile tears and everything! His obsession with vehicles sounds a lot like my oldest…. who now drives dump trucks and excavators for a living!

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