7 Quick Takes (v. II)

The last time a posted a Harrison quick take was in November. High time to give you seven more of the things that I’m loving about Harrison right now.

-1- He thanks his mommy and daddy constantly. And I am soaking it up for the day that our child doesn’t thank us for a thing. Food put on his plate, “Thank you, Mommy.” Has his hands cleaned up, “Thank you, Daddy.” Be still my heart.

-2- And to that end, mark it down. At almost 23 months old, my child has transitioned this past week to calling me Mommy instead of Mama. A moment of silence for this transition from one stage of motherhood to the next, please.

-3- He delays bedtime by asking for “hugs.” You know how often that works? 100% of the time.

-4- The number of toys and other things that he’s found around the house placed in odd spots has increased. His socks? Puts them in mama’s boots. Matchbox car? Add it to the measuring cup drawer.

-5- Harrison loves hide and seek. The best is when he hides, and gives you a really good idea of where he’s hiding when he shouts out at the end of your counting, “TEN!”

-6- He came home from daycare one day, and promptly began telling us to “Walk away” when we were doing something he didn’t want us to do. “Walk away, Mama. Walk away.” Ok, bud. Thanks for the tip.

-7- His sheer excitement pointing out himself in pictures, or declaring that HE is going to do something. “Harrison do it!”

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