Friday Favorites {01.31.20}

Welcome to the 509th day of January. Seriously, why is January the LONGEST month of the entire year?! We are so excited about this weekend! We have LOTS of fun plans, including…


Kansas City is ALIVE with Chiefs fever, including Harrison’s daycare! It’s such a fun time to be around KC. Although my Denver Broncos loving husband, and in-law’s, are tepid at best about all of their friends excitement over the big game. :). I’m so nervous, but so excited!

Daycare sent the sweetest picture of Harrison and hi best bud this week.

We celebrated Cousin Evie‘s third birthday with a party of obstacle courses, donuts, and gluten-free cake!

Evie was the greatest blessing at time in my life that I was really struggling about where my life was heading. Evie was actually due to be born ON my birthday, but I guess she decided that she didn’t want to share, and came exactly one week later. 🙂

She has always been one of the brightest spots in our lives, with lots of leg kicks of glee and excitement.

It’s hard for me to believe it’s already been three years with this sweet little girl.

You guys. This boy loves chocolate chip cookies as much as his mama. I always get so excited when we share a LOVE of something. And MY mama’s chocolate chip cookies are the best. It’s one of those recipes that even though I literally use the EXACT SAME RECIPE, it somehow never tastes as good as Mom’s.

I sometimes wonder what recipe that will be for my kiddos.

I love a good family date night getting to go out with another family for dinner. Our go-to spot is a pizza joint, complete with a window to watch your pizza being made.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

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