Friday Favorites {06.19.20}

My sister in law and I have spent all week working on Harrison’s new big boy room! Prepping and painting it. I haven’t painted in yeeeaaars. Years. It is not my gift, but when our painter wasn’t going to be able to do it thanks to COVID before new baby arrived, we decided to give it another go. I’ve got big plans of getting Harrison moved into his big boy bed and settled before this new little one arrives! Nesting has kicked into high gear to get everything ready. 🙂

This week, I have a whole bunch of random favorites for you!

I was casually browsing the frozen treat aisle at the grocery store, as any very pregnant lady does, and happened upon this little delightful discovery. Ben and Jerry’s makes their cookie dough bites and brownie bites available in packages……whaaaaat? Ben & Jerry’s making pregnant lady’s dreams come true.

And speaking of delicious things to eat, I look forward to really, really, really, really good peaches every year. I have memories of going to a local orchard when my sister and I were really little to pick peaches. I bought these peaches from Trader Joe’s the other weeks, and was so surprised at how incredible they were! If there’s one thing that this little one growing inside me is not lacking on, it’s sugar. Between the nightly ice cream (and now cookie dough bites throughout the day), and the enormous amount of fruit I’ve been consuming, little boy is going to come out on a sugar high.

Harrison’s love of water has for the past year just brought me so much joy. Except when he turns the hose on me, and proceeds to spray me with it without asking….we’re working on it! He’s just a happier kid when he’s getting to play in and around water, and seeing his smile is just the best.

It’s been about a month since I planted most of our pots and gardens. These couple of pots on our back patio looked particularly pretty the other day.

And another view of the zinnias just for good measure. 🙂

…my last Starbucks before this beauty was in JANUARY. Whaaaat. How? Something about the hot weather creeping in hard makes me crave iced coffee. Nathan can’t stand iced coffee, so I tend to get my fix from Starbucks. 🙂 Very small things like this make me feel a bit of normalcy in this strange world.

One of my favorite things about our house is that we live within walking distance of a super cute neighborhood shopping center. There’s a grocery store, hardware store, clothing boutique, restaurants. And the newest local ice cream shop just opened on the corner. There’s nothing better than walking over after a day of playing outside and grabbing some ice cream with this little guy, sitting outside on the benches, and just enjoying something that feels so summer-y. And the ice cream is all homemade (without eggs! Yay!), and absolutely delicious. Love getting to support a little shop like this and a local family’s dream.

(Side note – is it just me, or does my kid look like a little boy in this picture?!)

Have a wonderful weekend celebrating the dads in your life! We sure will be loving on our favorite Daddy!

2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {06.19.20}

  1. Oh I just love painting… well, I do hate the work of it but love transforming a room with just a can or two of paint. We got some really fresh peaches in our market box this week and I am loving how sweet and juicy they are. I’ve been eyeing our orchards up here so I’m ready when we can go pick our own.

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