7 Quick Takes (v. IV)

If you’re new around here, every once in awhile I like to round up seven quick things that are making me laugh or melting my heart about Harrison currently. It’s an easy way that I can memorialize these small little bits of his personality as he grows, hoping that I can remember the things that made each stage special.

-1- I mentioned to Nathan the other day that I’m going to miss when Harrison starts referring to himself in the first person. And he pointed out that in fact Harrison does refer to himself in the first person when he says, “I need a hug!” Ok, ok. This one time I’ll allow the use of the word “I.”

-2- Asking Nathan every time he gets up from the dinner table, “Daddy, it’s spicy? Get wa-wa?”

-3- He refers to his sandal shoes as his “handle” shoes. You know what we call sandals now? Handle shoes. Absolutely encouraging that.

-4- Out of nowhere, he started responding a full blown “yes” instead of “yeah” to questions. Harrison, do you want to go for a walk? Yes. Do you want yogurt for breakfast? Yes. Harrison, did you rip the cover off another book? Yes.

-5- In his big kid bed, he’s realized he can stay up and read. And you can hear his tiny little voice reading himself books for an hour after he gets put down to bed.

-6- Harrison’s confusion between “want” and “need.” Every last request is, “HARRISON NEED A CHIP!”

-7- You want to know a great way to understand what you say a lot during the day? Have a 2 year old. Just last night, he kept telling us, “What did I say?” “What did I say?”

and one bonus…

-8- It took one Saturday of Nathan asking me if we should walk over to get “I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M” for Harrison to know what it meant. And not only what it meant, but to start asking us for “Mommy – I-C-A-M?”

4 thoughts on “7 Quick Takes (v. IV)

  1. So sweet. I wish I started blogging when my kids were little so remember all of the sweet things they’d say. Thankfully, Facebook can remind me of some of those memories.

    1. Facebook memories for the win! I’ve been so thankful many times for those facebook memories or Timehops to remember the things that happened before starting this blog. 🙂

    1. So very Harrison. It’ll be fun to compare Harrison’s “things” to new baby’s “things.” 🙂

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