Dear Harrison v. V

My sweet little boy. Officially two and a half today. I’d ask how is it possible, but we all know that time has a way of stealing away. There are so many moments, little boy, that I adore being your mama. I watch you share, take care of your brother, give hugs, find joy in hanging with your people. And I sit back in awe and think to myself, I can’t believe I’m so lucky to get to witness this boy grow up.

And being two, your independent streak is showing up strong these days. Seeming to test just how far you can push your parents’ patience, and whether those limits can be bent. You seem to prefer to learn lessons the hard way – you are hard-headed and fearless. And holy smokes, I know those are traits that some day I will praise in their rightful place, but man, is it a challenge some days.

Out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago, we were on a hike on your last day at home with your brother and me, and as we were walking through the woods, you ran up to me and hugged my legs with all of your strength, and for the first time said, “I love you, Mama,” just out of the blue. And my heart became a puddle in your hands right then and there, as with tears in my eyes I got down on your level, and hugged you and whispered in your ear, “I love you too, bud. For always and forever.”

For always and forever, little one. Never forget that. Always and forever.

With all my love,


2 thoughts on “Dear Harrison v. V

  1. I so appreciate the sharing of these letters. Your words, how his love is as big as his hugs, and your family are so precious.

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