Friday Favorites {10.23.20}

Happy Friday! I woke up earlier this week realizing that I only have a couple more months of leave left with my sweet little one. And somehow, this leave of absence from work has felt lightning fast compared to my leave with Harrison. I treasure every moment with my boys.

Sometimes a cute new mug can brighten the beginning of any day. Right? Especially when filled with piping hot autumn blend coffee. 😊

Nathan and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary, and we sat down over the weekend to talk about our last six years of marriage. What we’ve learned, who the bigger spender is out of the two of us. Check out that post HERE.

The little boy cousins, who were born twelve days apart, got to hang out again. And this time they actually seemed to notice each other for the first time! I’m so excited to watch these little boys grow up together.

Nathan’s grandma, and the boys’ great grandma, made a trip down to KC from Iowa to meet Jonathan! We haven’t gotten to see great grandma Monie since she moved back to Iowa over a year ago. It was such a blessing to have her down here for a few hours, and get these treasured pictures of her and the boys.

A re-posted this to my Instagram story yesterday, but it’s worth a permanent spot here. This year has been hard on everybody and sometimes we forget that what we’ve all done collectively has been done for the good of others. Pandemic fatigue has definitely set in, but let’s not forget that we are called to take care of each other.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {10.23.20}

  1. That’s so sweet that the boys’ great grandma got to visit. My grandma is still alive, and I love that my kids have so many great memories with her even though she is in KC and we are here in KY.

    1. That’s so special. I hope Harrison and Jonathan are lucky enough to have some good memories with their great grandparents too. ❤️

  2. Oh so fun! My oldest son and my sister’s oldest were born just 14 days apart and we used to try to get them together as babies, toddlers, and boys too. It was fun to watch them grow up together but funny enough they had little in common and aren’t that great of friends. My younger two boys are real close to that older cousin though!

    1. Awww. So interesting that the older kids didn’t have much in common. I wonder if the younger siblings looked up to the oldest growing up and that’s what made them so close?? I’m hoping our kids are close with their cousins!

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