A Day in the Life of Maternity Leave

I wanted to document one of our typical days during maternity leave. I had intended to do this while Harrison was still home, and then I realized that was too tall of a task. Jonathan was still getting into a routine, and Harrison was like a small hurricane keeping me on my toes every day. So I chose last Wednesday to document a very normal day of maternity leave.

5:03 Wake up time if I’m working out before the boys are up!

5:33 am – Bar Method workout in my living room with spaghetti sauce jars as weights

6:04 am – Read my devotional which seemed like it was specifically written for me this day.

6:12 am – Do some blog writing and watch a Christmas movie. Sawyer snoozing in the corner.

7:00 am – Wake up time for the boys. I wake up baby Jonathan. Diaper change, and say….

GOOD MORNING to my big boy and Daddy before going to feed Jonathan

Harrison comes downstairs to find George, the elf.

Harrison eats breakfast while I feed Jonathan, then I get Harrison + Jonathan dressed. Teeth brushed.

7:51 am – Ready for school!

I do school drop off, and then when I got home, found Nathan + Jonathan hanging out watching the news…

8:24 am – Jonathan gets his solids breakfast. Oatmeal today!

YUM! And we listen to New York Time’s “The Daily” podcast

8:39 am – Decided that the oven was dirty. Applied first application of oven cleaner

8:46 am – Tummy time + coffee in a festive mug 🎅🏻

9:00 am – J goes down for his first nap of the day

9:06 am – Make myself a protein shake for breakfast

9:31 am – This particular day, bathroom cleaning was on my to-do list. Yuck.

I prefer to get my least favorite activities out of the way early in the day, so I can enjoy the rest of the day.

10:20 am – Applied second application of oven cleaner because it was still super dirty

10:22 am – Work on some continuing education e-learnings with more coffee

10:48 am – Jonathan wakes up + is ready to eat again

11:29 am – Head out to run a couple of errands!

11:45 am – Stop at a favorite bakery for a fresh pastry

12:27 pm – Back home + spent some time sitting outside in the beautiful weather before naptime

1:07 pm – What do you mean it’s naptime, Mom??

1:18 pm – Make myself lunch. P.S. this spice takes the boring sandwich to DELISH level

1:56 pm – AH! One of my Christmas gifts to myself showed up!!! My favorite shoes of all time!

2:47 pm – Look who’s up and wants to be fed again!

3:48 pm – A treat to get to go on a socially distant, masked up walk with my parents! It was so beautiful outside and was so good to be able to spend a bit of time with them.

5:01 pm – Prepped dinner. Sheet tray supper of Kielbasa sausage, potatoes, and peppers

5:03 pm – The drive around small human to get him to catnap and stop crying part of the evening

5:41 pm – Nathan picked up Harrison from daycare. Spent some time while dinner cooked playing “cars” in the playroom

Nathan gave baby J an early bath, and he watched big brother play from the couch

6:30 pm – Dinner for the fam

7:05 pm – Last feeding of the day for baby J

Big sister came to help with bedtime routine

7:30 pm – Storytime and tuck in for Harrison

8:09 pm – Pumping, ice cream + TV to end the night

9:30 pm – Bedtime for me!

Previous Typical Day posts:

4 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of Maternity Leave

    1. Hahaha. It’s so strange to me. Harrison, our oldest, loved to be rocked to sleep. Jonathan usually wants to just be put down in his bed. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  1. I try to do my least favorite chores first too! I love McLains ! My dad always buys butter rolls (& other goodies) for me when I visit at Christmas. He’s even sent them to me the years we’ve stayed home! My grandma used to buy McLains all the time for me when I was a kid

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