Friday Favorites {01.08.21}

I just had to go back and re-type that date. 2021. Wow. You ever have one of the moments that you remember back when you were really young and you’d calculate how old you’d be in certain years, and thought to yourself, “WOW. I’m going to be SO old then.” I feel like that every new year. We’re a few weeks out from my 36th birthday. The US is a complete s*** show (sorry, not sorry. Call it like I see it). I just finished my first week back at work after my maternity leave. And the pandemic didn’t magically go away when the clock struck midnight on December 31. Which is a serious bummer. When does it all end?

Ugh. My heart is so heavy after what happened this week. Just when it feels like it can’t get heavier, something more unbelievable happens. And I think it’s an injustice to our nation and our fellow Americans to not say something when you see wrong in this world. So here I am saying that what is happening in our country is wrong. Enough is enough. And as much as I see influencers and brands saying that they just want to be a happy place and post pretty, inspiring pictures, there is a point where you must stand up and speak. Your. Voice. Matters. Every last single small voice matters.

On a lighter note, happy Friday. Let’s do these favorites.

I don’t know what it is about pictures of kiddos losing it, especially in their Santa pictures, but it makes me laugh every. Time. And these pictures may be my most favorite from Christmas. Baby J is NOT having any of this cookies and milk for Santa thing, and Harrison is totally unbothered by the screaming brother next to him.

The pout in the second picture kills me. 😂. Please tell me I’m not the only one that thinks these types of pictures are hilarious. You set them all up to be a cute little Christmas vignette, and then bam. Real life happens when you keep the baby up too late while he’s hungry for his bottle.

At Harrison’s daycare, they did a Santa shop where the kids could go and shop for the different members of their family. Parents sent in money, which was donated to a charity, and a note of who to buy gifts for, and then the kids got to pick out gifts for their family. They came home fully wrapped, and it was hilarious to see the things that Harrison had hand picked for each family member. His Gigi got a mermaid necklace, I got a holiday oven mitt. And then his Dad received…

A rubber snake. Nathan is terrified of snakes, so the gift made us laugh especially hard.

And then later in the day, my sister sent me this picture of Cousin Holden with his Harrison gift

With the following caption… “Tell Harrison I love snakes and I didn’t even know it. Love, Holden”

Which only made us laugh even harder. Harrison won for best presents of 2020. 😂

Have you been watching this new series on Showtime?? It is so good and addicting. It had has talking about far we would go to save our sons.

Babies in beanies. Giving me a smile in this crazy time. Jonathan got two new hats for Christmas, and I may send him to daycare every single day in one of them. Just so darn cute.

I shared on Instagram stories last week that I use the time around the New Year to pray through my Christmas cards. I take each one, and say a prayer for that family. I pray for their health and safety. I pray for the upcoming year ahead. If they’re walking through a low point in life, I say a special prayer for that. And foremost, I thank God for their friendship and joy that they bring into our lives.

I just finished up this week praying through each of my Christmas cards. Maybe you’ll join me in praying through your Christmas cards too before you toss them. ❤️

Happy 2021, friends. So good to be back with you all!

6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {01.08.21}

  1. The Harrison gifts are hilarious! I miss those days. I love your Christmas card idea. That’s such a wonderful idea. I need to remember that for next year. Love it. I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. I love that idea of praying through your Christmas cards before throwing them out. I will do that next year since mine are gone now. I guess I sort of say a prayer as I write them out to send my own cards.

    I also agree that people shouldn’t hide behind the excuse of wanting to be a bright spot on the internet. How privileged is that? They can simply ignore the problems that others face because it’s not their problem. Now, I’m in Canada and I did not actually comment on last week’s events, but I definitely do write about current events as needed. I like to share my thoughts, even negative ones.

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