Friday Favorites {01.22.21}

It’s been a crazy week at the Lane house. Baby J and I have been running from one doctor appointment to the next, all while trying to juggle a busy time at work. I’m thankful for some rest this upcoming weekend, the promise of good take-out to celebrate my birthday with my boys, and Chiefs football on Sunday (hopefully with our main QB!). Happy Friday, friends!

It’s another Chiefs Red Friday! Baby J was so cute in his little jersey last Friday that he made the daycare newsletter. Can’t say I disagree.

This week, Harrison had his class’ book bag, which meant that he got to pick out one book to take into his class and share. Without any prompting (I promise, Nathan), he chose his Chiefs book to share with his friends. (My Broncos loving husband was less than impressed.)

We had a big doctor appointment this week for baby J. I’ll share more about his journey next week once I can put my thoughts together. Getting to hang with my little guy extra, though, is definitely a favorite. I could squeeze him all day with that sweet drolly smile.

Somehow my 36th birthday came and went this week. 36 and I still feel 27. I wrote about a few things I’ve learned about myself over this past year earlier this week HERE.

How have I lived so long without a meal planner??? I found a big pad of these meal planning sheets, and I just realized this week that…

The shopping list is perforated so you can TEAR IT OFF TO TAKE TO THE STORE. My excitement over this discovery could be mildly embarrassing. But I had to share them with you guys.

The meal planning pad has magnets on the back, so I can keep it on my fridge and I don’t have to answer the question, “What are we having dinner tonight?” Every single day.

Did you all get to watch the inauguration on Wednesday? I got a little tears eyed watching Kamala be sworn in as our first female Vice President. Can’t say any other inauguration has brought a tear to my eye. I was fortunate enough to grow up believing that I could be whatever I wanted to be. The fact that there had never been a female president or Vice President never made me think I couldn’t do that. I believe I was fortunate in that I always believed my sex would not hold me back from certain jobs. But there was something about seeing myself, a woman, finally represented in the top leadership of our country, made me so proud. A big sigh. Finally.

Have a wonderful weekend!

3 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {01.22.21}

  1. I have our menu up on our chalkboard wall and I still get asked what we are having (eyeroll!).
    I loved everything about the inauguration and got a little teary too! (and I’m Canadian!) I sang right along with Garth Brooks 🙂

    1. Hahahaha. My husband has asked me multiple times this week what we were doing for dinner and I had to say, “Did you check the meal planner?”

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