Friday Favorites {02.26.21}

This has been a week. Work has been crazy busy. Jonathan had three different doctor appointments this week, which meant even less time to get work done during the day, and I’m feeling so exhausted emotionally and physically from the past few months. I have my eyes set on a couple of weeks from now when my super busy work will be done, though. And spring starting to peak around the corner has me itching for a reprieve from the long hours, and for more time to spend outside with the boys.

Last Friday we celebrated Nathan’s birthday! Harrison was SO EXCITED to sing and help his dad open presents. Harrison looooooves birthdays, and I wish I could hang on to that joy and excitement the rest of his life. He also eagerly told us that now that Daddy’s birthday is over, now it’s Aunt Ashton’s birthday, and then it’s HIS BIRTHDAY!!! And he is pumped.

My excitement for spring may have been a bit overdone. I bought zinnia seeds this year to try starting flowers from seed in my garden. And I am nervous, and yet everyone assures me that zinnias are the easiest flowers to start from seed.

I chose zinnias because it requires absolutely no preparation. And during the craziness of work busy season, that seemed simpler than trying to figure out growing lights indoors, seedling cups, etc. Zinnias can be sown directly into the soil after the last frost, which for us is about mid-April.

I was so excited about spring gardening that I bought more seeds than I have room to grow. But I’m hoping that we have a beautiful garden of flowers to both enjoy outside and cut and bring inside this year!

Baby Jonathan has spent so much time at doctors over the past few months: physical therapy, chiropractors, various specialists. He’s being treated right now for plagiocephaly, and he’s responding amazingly to his helmet. His torticollis, which caused his plagiocephaly, is almost imperceptible now by his therapists. And we got good news from several more doctors this week about other things they were monitoring in him. And I am just so thankful and praising God that maybe there is starting to be a light at the end of this tunnel that has felt like doctor after doctor after doctor.

I know I have so many friends and so many of you that are dealing with endless doctor appointments for little ones. Little ones going through treatment, or trying to figure out what’s wrong. And my mama heart is with you, and I understand some small slice of the exhaustion it is to walk through endless appointments, expert opinions, and all you want is for your baby to be happy and normal. If I can pray for you on your journey, I’d love for you to send me an email or a DM through Instagram.

If you’re new here and want to know more about Jonathan’s helmet, I wrote about his condition HERE.

A couple of weeks ago, we got to spend a Sunday morning playing with Cousin Evie and Cousin Holden, although cousin Evie did not want to join the group picture. After months of mostly not seeing each other, I tell you nothing fills me up or makes me more grateful than to see these little ones play together. My sister is one of my very best friends, and my closest mama friend. And this season of COVID has been hard not being able to let these little ones make all of the memories we had dreamed they would make this past summer, fall and holidays. But this Sunday play session was good for the soul. For everybody.

Meal kits and Whole Foods grocery delivery have been my saving grace the past few weeks. I don’t have a picture to go with either. But the greatest thing to come out of this pandemic is FOOD DELIVERY. I’m going on record right now. I haven’t stepped foot in a grocery store for more than 15 minutes for a quick pick up of miscellaneous items that were out of stock at Whole Foods for months now. And it is delightful.

The past few weeks, we’ve been doing a meal delivery from a local restaurant that has not only been mind-blowingly delicious, but a lifesaver helping with meals for the week. That in addition to my parents graciously making us a few meals over this past January and February to alleviate the burden of meal planning during a super busy work season, has been my saving grace for weeks now. And for a sure a favorite.

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. That the weather is a bit warmer wherever you are, and that maybe you can get outside for a walk and some Vitamin D. See you all next week!

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