Friday Favorites {04.02.21}

This week turned into a dumpster fire. Jonathan’s class at daycare closed after one of his teachers tested positive for COVID. Harrison came home on Wednesday evening with hives all over his body, so we kept him home the rest of the week. There was also a full time job in there that after being gone all last week needed all of the work things from me. I kept thinking to myself, “Seriously? Could there be anything else?” Don’t tempt fate, though. 😊. We made it to the weekend. I’m so excited for Easter egg hunting with the babies. What are your favorite Easter traditions?

We have an eight month old in the house! Jonathan is so close to crawling, and for the time being, army crawls EVERYWHERE. Nathan and I both looked at each other last weekend when he made his way all the way over to Sawyer’s water dish, and agreed we needed to refresh our baby proofing procedures. Time for the gates to come back out, food dishes off of the ground, and re-locking those cabinet drawers. You can read my letter to my eight month old HERE.

A park date with the cousins the past weekend was one of my favorites. It’s been so long since Evie and Harrison have been able to play and run around with each other, and they loved being able to have the boys chase them all around the park. I’m so thankful for many days with the cousins this summer. I knew we were blessed to have cousins that would grow up together, but losing out on a year of playing together really makes you appreciate it even more.

Fun fact: one of Nathan’s first jobs was working at a pizza shop. This is Nathan teaching Harrison’s he finer points to working with pizza dough. Clearly this is serious business because pizza is one of Harrison’s favorite foods. He loves learning and doing himself, and he’s really grown into such a good helper in the kitchen.

Not pictured: He finished off the rest of the pepperoni, cheese, and sauce by the fistful while the pizzas were cooking. 😆

This new mug seems to have been the theme this last year, and continues to be this week as baby Jonathan is home with us from daycare. His classroom was closed for quarantine because of a teacher testing positive. Juggling babies and full time jobs. Mug is from Lindsay Letters Co. Her art is also absolutely beautiful. 😊

That’s all I have for this week. I hope you have a blessed Easter, Passover, or just plain weekend!

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