Friday Favorites {05.28.21}

It finally stopped raining, ya’ll. Finally. KC can now commence with the summer weather, I suppose! We are excited to head into the long holiday weekend. We have some fun plans with Nathan’s grandma planned who is visiting KC for the weekend, and I’m sure lots of soccer, outdoor time, and popsicles in our future! Harrison suggested to me on our ride to school this morning, “Hey – I have an idea.” “What’s up, bud?” “Maybe we can have a party on home day. And eat on the ground!” “That’s a great idea, bud!” “Outside on the ground!” So maybe we’ll have a picnic, too.

Finally nice enough outside and not pouring rain for lunch on the patio! The perks of working from home. A little outside time in the middle of the day always bolsters the mood.

We’ve had one set of sheets that we loooooved for years. We still do. But they started fraying about a year ago, and I started my search for new sheets. I couldn’t find a second set of the same kind that we originally had, and I looked and looked and looked for good quality, soft, cool sheets for soooo long. I’m happy to say we’ve found our new favorite set of sheets. These sheets are even better than our beloved original set. My sister recommended trying Buffy randomly one day when I happened to mention that I had been looking for a new set of sheets. And, friends, they are silky, cool deliciousness.

Do you have pictures from the past that are burned in your memory? This is one of Harrison below is one of them.

When Jonathan started playing in the kitchen drawer, I had flashbacks. My little boys. Same place. About a 2.5 years apart. 💙


Walks with these handsome boys! One of my absolute favorite things to do with my babies. This precious time with them outside.

And my favorite Friday flower is this beauty showing off late this week! My climbing rose started blooming the loveliest peachy light pink. 💕. Makes leaving peony season behind a little easier as more and more things start blooming and flourishing.

Happy weekend, friends!

3 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {05.28.21}

  1. I talked to my dad yesterday and he said he feels like he’s living on Noah’s Ark. 😂 we usually get Kc weather a couple days later but we definitely have not been getting that rain. Your salad looks amazing. I love the wedding photos above your bed and the Harrison / Jonathan comparison photo is so sweet! Have a great holiday weekend!

    1. The rain just will not stop. It’s insane. My garden is so soggy. I usually use a liquid fertilizer once a week on my pots, and just haven’t used it at all for two weeks because the last thing my plants need right now is more moisture. 🤪

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