7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. VIII)

I’ve been accumulating some really good Harrison takes over the past few weeks. Ya’ll, he’s a mood lately. And I love it.

If you’re new around here, every once in awhile I like to round up seven quick things that are making me laugh or melting my heart about Harrison.

I love going back to read these because it’s an easy way that I can memorialize these small little bits of his personality as he grows. He’s learning so much every day. He’s into something new every few weeks it seems. This is such a fun age and stage of life with him.

-1- The names he comes up with for his brother. Terms of endearment from a three-year-old. “STINKY BUTT!” “Jonathan Brooksie” (the family has adopted this one.) and out of nowhere last week, “STINKY JOHN JOHN!” All said with love and admiration of his little brother.

-2- I’ve got to wear my soccer shirt! (It’s his favorite thing to wear. I wash it, and it’s immediately put on.)

-3- When he’s mad at us for not letting him do something he wants, he declares, “You’re not my best friend!” Thankfully, about a minute later he’ll let us back into best friend status.

-4- He’s gotten into the habit when someone asks him to do something, responding with, “Ok, ok, ok, ok.”

-5- He asks us, “What’s for dinner tonight?” And when the response is not Mac-and-cheese, he responds, “I don’t like <Blank>. I want Mac-and-cheese for my dinner!” We know, buddy. You’d take Mac-and-cheese for every meal, every day.

-6- He’s got an insane memory. He’s in a big car phase still, and he knows what color of car is in what location of the house or which parents’ car, and when one is missing. 😳

-7- He refers to Band-AIDS as, “Boo-boos.” He’s constantly telling us he needs a boo-boo.

Harrison is such joy. He easily bounces back from obstacles, quick to smile and play with eagerness and energy. And he holds his mama’s heart. Love watching him grow.

3 thoughts on “7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. VIII)

  1. I love your Harrison quick takes. So sweet. He and hadley have something in common. She could eat Mac and cheese all day every day. Hayden was the same way about cars when he was little. So sweet

    1. I think I’d eat Mac and cheese every day, too, if that was considered “healthy.” Definitely can’t blame him for trying!

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