Our Morning Routine

A few months ago, I shared our nighttime routine. Today, I’m going to give you a glimpse into our morning routine when the boys head off to school!

Mornings in the Lane house are controlled chaos. When the boys are headed off to school, our morning routine is the same every morning with almost no deviation. So we can get the boys off and us ready for work as quickly as possible! I’m sharing what our morning routine looks like today!

My alarm goes off at 4:53 am. Yes, 4:53. I like to wake up on odd numbers. So weird, I know!

Then I get dressed and head off to my work-out class at Bar Method.

Headed out the door. Does this angle make me look more awake? 😆

When I get home, I get Jonathan up and dressed for the day.

He was more into the Olympics coverage on TV.

And he has a bottle at 7:00 am.

If Harrison isn’t awake by this point, then Jonathan and I go wake up our big boy. Baby J always squeals with delight right before we walk into his big brother’s room.

School days, the boys have toast for breakfast, so we go downstairs to start breakfast.

Nathan usually joins as at this point and takes over breakfast prep and dishwasher unloading. I make bottles for the rest of the day, and the boys eat. While they eat, I go get dressed for the day.

Sunscreen. Every day.

I listen to the Daily while I finish getting ready…and make the bed.

Ready to work from home for the day!

Then it’s time to get Harrison dressed…which some days can be a battle in and of itself.

Teeth brushing and bed making for our little guy.

Then it’s off to daycare! Nathan takes them to daycare, and I wave goodbye before getting my first cup of coffee for the day and starting work.

Bye, Baby J! Have a good day with your friends!

3 thoughts on “Our Morning Routine

    1. I can answer that. No choice. 😂 it’s the only time of day I have to myself because I’m not a night owl. 🦉

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