What’s Up Wednesday {02.23.22}

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, which means it’s time for our monthly link up to share a little peak into our lives this past month. A little bit of food, a little bit of nostalgia, fashion, what we’re looking forward to all in one place!

As always, I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life!


  • Friday: Nathan and I went out for dinner to celebrate his birthday in combination with the Eric Church concert!
  • Saturday: We did take out and cake with the boys to celebrate our favorite Dad
  • Sunday: Steak dinner at Mimi and Papa’s to celebrate our February birthdays
  • Monday: Spaghetti and meatballs. Yum! It’s a family favorite.
  • Tuesday: Leftovers
  • Wednesday: Zuppa Toscana soup with salad and ciabatta bread
  • Thursday: Leftovers again


Last year at this time, I have so many cute pictures of Baby J in his helmet…

And three years ago at this time, we were watching Harrison take his first steps around this time. Life really does seem so fast when you look back on it.

Day in and day out it feels like we’re in the trenches of slogging through taking care of these little boys, but only three years ago feels like nothing to look at the pictures of Harrison first walking to the sweet little boy we have in front of us now.


Summer House. They are putting on a good season, and I am Here. For. It.

Also, this duo has been keeping my face from peeling away this winter.


We watched a lot of Chiefs football…

Celebrated our sweet little cousin, Evie’s, 5th birthday

Nathan and Harrison hit the road for Colorado and went skiing for a couple of days…

And then Baby J and I joined them!

And last weekend, we celebrated Nathan’s birthday and my mom’s birthday!

5. WHAT I’M DREADING: The same thing that I was dreading last month. We have a decision to make regarding our house, and we can’t figure out what’s the best way to go! It’s so uncomfortable living in this ”in between” phase without having clear direction of our path forward. I’ve been praying a lot for direction and peace with whatever direction that is for us.

6. WHAT I’M WORKING ON: I’m working on putting together my list of spring/summer clothes that the boys will need. The big consignment sale that I buy most, if not all, of their clothes at for the season is this upcoming weekend, and I always like to go in with a list of what we need! So that means pulling out all of the clothes that no longer fit the boys, going through bins of Harrison hand-me-downs for Jonathan to figure out just how much he has that will work for him this upcoming summer. It’s a lot of work, but I love getting a better deal on clothes and shoes that way!

7. WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT: Spring and good weather! My brain can’t get away from thinking that spring begins in March. Maybe just wishful thinking! But I always feel like we have some days and weeks that start trending nicer next month.


See above for what we’re watching. Summer House, and absolutely loving it!

I posted my (Dec/Jan) February Book Review yesterday HERE! So many good ones!

9. WHAT I’M LISTENING TO: Silence right now. I’m terrible at being able to write and listen to anything else at the same time. My brain can only concentrate on one thing!

10. WHAT I’M WEARING: I literally took one picture of my outfits this past month….

And guess what? It’s all very old. That’s the way I like my clothes, though. Things I can wear over, and over, and over, and over again. But that’s what I look like nowadays 😆

11. WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND: Going to that consignment sale to get ALL OF THE THINGS for the boys including hoping to find some little Easter basket toys. And then Nathan and I are going to dinner with friends on Saturday night!

12. WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH: Warmth. March Madness. I’ll say it again, and surely that will make it true this time, a return to normalcy as COVID cases continue to decrease. (Fingers crossed, criss-crossed, please God let it be so!)

Happy Wednesday, friends!

5 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday {02.23.22}

  1. You’ve had such a great month. I love all the birthday celebrating! I always think of spring as March too. You know I love a snow day but by March, the countdown to summer has begun

  2. I often think of March as spring too; though we have gotten snow well into April and even one mother’s day before so really anything goes. I used to go through that same thing each season with my three boys and their clothes. At some point hand me downs stopped working altogether though as each of my 3 boys have very different body types. It was great while it lasted and kind of fun to sort, clean, organize and see old favorite outfits reemerge.

  3. It feels like we’re getting closer to normalcy with Covid here too and it’s both exciting and anxiety producing! And I hope you found some great things at the consignment sale. We get A TON of handmedowns and it’s so much work to manage clothes that way but so worth it in terms on not having to buy every single thing brand new.

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