Friday Favorites {03.04.22}

Work was busier this week than it’s been the last few, but getting outside for a walk a couple times this week in the beautiful weather really made it all seem very bearable! Nathan and I finished the Yellowstone prequel mini-series, 1883, this week. It was really good! And we’re already looking forward to the next mini-series they are doing about the Duttons. The boys had a great week, too. Playing outside after daycare with neighbors made everyone happier, and more eager to welcome in spring. I’ve gathered up some of my favorites from this week. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Let me tell you a story about our oldest. Nathan got home late from work one evening last week, and while he was having some dinner, I entertained the boys playing hide and seek. Harrison tends to hide in the same places over and over again, so I didn’t pay much attention as he ran off in the direction of our bedroom to hide as I started to count.

And then Baby J and I started “seeking”…all the normal spots. Still seeking, still playing along. At some point, Nathan finished his dinner, and says, “you can’t find Harrison?”

After ten minutes, no. I still couldn’t find Harrison anywhere. Nathan couldn’t find Harrison anywhere. Finally, out of desperation and it being way past bath time, I said, “Harrison. I can’t find you. Come out and I’ll give you a Reese’s.”

And a little voice from our bedroom yelled, “I can’t get out! I’m stuck! But I still want a Reese’s!” We ran in there and found him in the bottom drawer of my dresser, smiling so pleased with himself.

“That was a good hiding place, right?”

It’s Christmas in…March? My Christmas cactus is blooming again…So cheery and gets me excited for spring!

The weather this week was life-giving. It totally lifted my mood to be able to get outside and enjoy the warm sunshine, and take Sawyer on a walk!


An oldie, but family favorite meal this week: Chicken Taquitos

We went out again last weekend…two weekends in a row! (Who are we?) And this little note in the bathroom of the restaurant…

6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {03.04.22}

  1. That is hilarious that Harrison got stuck in a drawer! My middle son was an amazing hider like that because he was to thin and bendy he could squeeze in anywhere. My cactus are all blooming now too and I am loving them!

    1. I was equally impressed with Harrison and terrified. Did your son ever go hide and literally not come out when called?? The only reason I wasn’t in full blown panic was because I knew I hadn’t heard one of the doors to outside open while he ran off to hide. 😂

  2. We just finished 1883 too! LOVED it on so many levels. I just read an article about the authenticity of the quilt and other props. The series started me thinking about my Grandma and Grandpa Retterath that came to North Dakota in a covered wagon. I wondered what their journey was like? Grandma R was a real tough German lady. That part makes sense that she could make the journey. Wish I knew more!

    1. Oh my goodness. I wish I could know more too! The show certainly gave me much more appreciation for what traveling the Oregon trail was like for people.

  3. Ohh, we will have to watch 1883! I didn’t want to watch another whole series but if it’s just a mini-series I can handle that. We are going out for supper this weekend with friends, I can’t wait!!

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