All About…Pregnancy

I’ve told you all before, but I’m a Timehop addict. And right now, I’ve got pictures popping up on my Timehop of my pregnancy with little Harrison. It’s been two years since finding out I was pregnant with our little guy, and I still think back to that time in my life reflecting on the things I wish I would have known. If I could just go back and tell that younger Lauren Lane, and actually have her believe me and take it to heart, what would I have told her about pregnancy?

At my baby shower with my mom and sister

I would have told her that…

…she doesn’t have to do it all. That it’s ok if the entire to-do list isn’t accomplished that day…or even that week. That your body is doing far greater work, and you must listen to what it needs. Being a superhero by getting “all the things” done is not being a superhero for that little baby growing inside of you that depends on your body’s well-being.

…that you’re going to cry. Like a lot. Things are going to upset you so deeply that maybe wouldn’t even register on your radar when you weren’t pregnant. And the way your emotions are going to come out are tears. And girl, it’s going to get better. Just hang in there. Some days, you just have to live through it and survive. Tomorrow is a new day.

…she should try not to be so critical of her body. I know you’re uncomfortable. I know that you feel huge. I know that you hate every last piece of maternity wear you have, 36 weeks pregnant girl that has been wearing the same seven shirts every week for a half a year. But I wish I could gift you being able to see yourself the way others see you. That you’re beautiful. That your body is creating a human being – and how stinking cool, crazy, and surreal that is! That you are not nearly as big as you think you are in that crazy mixed up head of yours. And that maybe someday you will look back on those pictures in awe.

…and to that point. Take the picture. Do you know how many people would love to be in your shoes right now being able to grow a human being inside of them? That they would love to be able to turn to the side and take that cute belly shot. And that someday, you’re going to wish you had more pictures from your life when you were pregnant. These are memories that are worth looking back on, and if nothing else, think about that sweet little baby. They may wonder someday what mama looked like when she was carrying him inside.

…that she doesn’t have to deny every craving. You know what, that Ben & Jerry’s Tonight Dough is fantastic. And girl, you deserve it.

…you’re going to have to learn to give yourself a bit more grace. Like now. And like for forever. Because not everything is going to be perfect. And if you’re going to be so hard on yourself, you’re going to miss the blessings right in front of you.

…even though you don’t feel connected to your baby right now, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be over the moon in love with that little love bug in the future. Some women just connect with their babies while they’re still in the womb, and some just don’t. And if you just don’t, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to be a bad mom.

….I know you worry about the dog, and that you’re afraid you won’t be able to love anything more than her. But it’s going to blow your mind the kind of depths of love that you will have for this little human being. And that puppy dog is going to be just fine. She’s going to turn into a wonderful big sister. Still needy of her mama’s attention, but a great sister.

…you’re going to have to ask for help. I know you struggle with this. But you’re not going to be able to thrive without knowing when to ask for help. And that starts with those last few months of pregnancy in particular. Like when you can barely get your shoes on and off. And you’re struggling to get up off the couch. Asking for help is not a sign of a weakness. It is a sign of strength and self-awareness that you can not physically do it all.

…there are going to be people in your life that do not respect what is happening to you emotionally or physically as you grow this baby. There are friends and bosses that want more from you than you can give right now, and you may not be able to adequately explain to them why you just can’t right now because you’ve always been a “yes” person before. You know what? They ain’t worth it. That’s what I said. Shrug it off. Go back to your team that has your back. And freaking forget them. Because they are not. worth. your. stress. That includes that weird lady at the grocery store that made the comment about whether there were twins in there. (And if you are that lady, shame on you.)

…those worries about whether you’re going to be a good mom. Whether you’re even meant to be a mom. Whether you’re going to have any clue how to even BE a boy mom. You’re just going to have to trust me. All of those lies you’ve told yourself about that…they’re going to turn out to not be true.

…you don’t see it now, but you’re in for the truly most life changing kind of love. And it’s going to be freaking amazing. You’ve just got to hang in there just a bit longer. And don’t forget to offer yourself that side of grace.

Love, Current Mama to your sweet (almost) 18 month old, Harrison

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