A Boy and His Dog

Today is a very important day around the Lane house. It’s National Dog Day. I posted this picture on Instagram a couple of weeks ago.

(Not so) Little Miss Sawyer was my first baby. She’s my shadow. And she was one of the greatest blessings in my life. It may sound crazy, but she gave me the confidence that maybe someday I could be a good mom. She has loved me through some truly difficult times.

But I’m beginning to think, as I watch my two babies together, that this sweet little golden girl of mine is one of the biggest blessings in Harrison’s life too.

They play together, he’s learned from when he was little to love wet kisses and to not be afraid of big dogs. Getting knocked over by an excited puppy girl is just part of life – you get back up and keep going.

They share toys. She withstands being used as a stepping stool to the couch. But a willing clean-up crew after his meals.

But the way he adores her. “Soy-soy” is one of the first few names that he consistently says. And watching these two do life together just somehow makes the everyday mundane of life better. Maybe it’s weird that I treat Sawyer like another baby, but she’s a member of the family. She is our family.

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