A Day in the Life {Jan 2020}

I love getting a peak into what family’s lives look like on a day to day basis. I marked a couple Thursdays ago in my calendar to document my day from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. I’ve done one other day in the life last July HERE.

It was a totally ordinary day for us in the Lane house. I usually start my weekdays early…

Up to get ready to go to my workout class at the Bar Method.

I’ve been a regular 5:45am-er for years. I started working out early when the Royals went to the World Series, and I needed to free up my evenings to watch the games. 🙂

Class ends at 6:30, and then I head home to get Harrison up and dressed.

Kisses for my little dboy

Harrison only cares about having toast every single day for breakfast. Every day.

While Harrison eats, Nathan and I run around and finish getting ready to go to work. Then it’s off to daycare for this little guy

Nathan dropped Harrison off at school, and I headed to my client for a full workday.

Then somewhere around noon, I had a lunch meeting that I took no pictures of, and then headed to the office for the last part of my day. And then I get these cute little pictures from daycare.

What is it about watching my little one sleeping that makes me so happy? He looks so peaceful.

After work, I ran over to Loft to try to find a dress for Nathan’s holiday party over the weekend. It eventually got cancelled because of the winter storm. But they still had lots of cute options!

Can’t go wrong with a good wrap dress.

Cute paisley option

I ended up going with this option. I was planning on doing it with black tights, but now…well, maybe I’ll get another chance to wear it.

Then I ran over to pick-up Harrison from daycare, and home for dinner. This night, we had leftovers because Nathan was working late.

And after dinner, it’s time for playing upstairs with Sawyer.

Bath time for Harrison starts around 7

And the very last bit of shenanigans before jammies…

And bedtime stories…

After Harrison went down, Nathan got home, and I took a shower. Then we settled in for some TV and relaxing

Catch up on social media…And finally spend a little bit of time reading before bed…

Lights went off about 10 for sleep!

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