Category: Family

Friday Favorites {06.18.21}

Thankfully, work was a little slower this week. Which was helpful given that I ended up at the doctor with a double ear infection and sinus infection. šŸ™„ I thought adults didnā€™t get ear infections anymore. But somehow, I was able to achieve it. Two times over. Hereā€™s to antibiotics and the weekend ahead celebrating our favorite Dada! Hope you all have a wonderful one!

This is the face of the bravest little boy I know, who is super excited to have started swim lessons! He went head first into jumping off the side and the biggest splashes of his whole class. (The girls in his class were less than impressed with being splashed. I can relate, because I was totally that girl growing up. Boys, amiright?). I am so proud of him, and I love watching him learn to swim! I have yet to brave the pool with both little boys by myself, though. Not sure Iā€™m ready for that.

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Summer Bucket List 2021

Last year, I shared our summer bucket list before becoming a family of four. And this year, Iā€™m so excited for Jonathan to get to enjoy all the summer things that we love so much! Thereā€™s still a lot of firsts yet to go for our little guy, and some of these I canā€™t wait to do with him! And Harrison, of course.

  • Swim Lessons! For Harrison
  • Go to the zoo
  • Head to the Farmstead
  • Blueberry picking
  • Splashinā€™ and Smokinā€™ with the cousins
  • Homemade popsicles
  • Go to our local ice cream shop
  • Lots of walks – in our truck, scooter, and bike
  • Take a vacation as a family
  • Celebrate Jonathanā€™s first birthday!
  • Play dates with our friends
  • Re-catch up with friends that weā€™ve missed during COVID – lunches and happy hours!
  • Get to know our neighbors better
  • Do a cousin sleepover

Friday Favorites {05.28.21}

It finally stopped raining, yaā€™ll. Finally. KC can now commence with the summer weather, I suppose! We are excited to head into the long holiday weekend. We have some fun plans with Nathanā€™s grandma planned who is visiting KC for the weekend, and Iā€™m sure lots of soccer, outdoor time, and popsicles in our future! Harrison suggested to me on our ride to school this morning, ā€œHey – I have an idea.ā€ ā€œWhatā€™s up, bud?ā€ ā€œMaybe we can have a party on home day. And eat on the ground!ā€ ā€œThatā€™s a great idea, bud!ā€ ā€œOutside on the ground!ā€ So maybe weā€™ll have a picnic, too.

Finally nice enough outside and not pouring rain for lunch on the patio! The perks of working from home. A little outside time in the middle of the day always bolsters the mood.

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Whatā€™s Up Wednesday {05.26.21}

If youā€™re new to here, once a month, I link up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you whatā€™s going on in our life! Itā€™s a little a bit of everything. What weā€™re eating, what Iā€™m wearing, what Iā€™m looking forward to, what Iā€™m dreading. A little life update in one post…

1: WHAT WEā€™RE EATING THIS WEEK: Did you see my Trader Joeā€™s haul yesterday? Iā€™m eating all the snacks from my TJā€™s. Itā€™s a blessing and a curse the week after a Trader Joeā€™s run, because I find myself at the pantry trying a different snack VERY FREQUENTLY.

As far as what weā€™re making this week, Iā€™m making a BBQ shrimp boil in the Instant Pot, Pork Fried Rice, and my grandmaā€™s sloppy joeā€™s recipe.


Remember back when we took vacations? Iā€™ve got a serious itch to get out of KC for a little bit. Our very last family vacation was our trip to visit my parents in South Dakota in 2019

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Spring Soccer!

We had all been looking forward to spring soccer for awhile. Last year, we signed Harrison up for spring soccer only to have everything cancelled with COVID, so we were especially excited for spring soccer this year! He got to play on a team with his best buddies from school, Graham, JJ, and Joey, and we had so much fun watching these boys grow and play together!

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Lanes Lately – May 2021

I took last week off blogging, and I hadnā€™t really intended it. I had ideas about posts written down, but I try to be very intentional about where I spend my time. Baby J came home on Wednesday afternoon sick and he ran a 101-102 degree temperature for five days. Poor little guy was whiny, exhausted, and just so not himself. So with a baby at home during work days, and the beautiful weather outside this past weekend for gardening, something had to give. That was writing blog posts last week.

I hope you all had a great week! Baby J is on the mend, and back at school.

MAKING: Very little. Weā€™ve been the fortunate beneficiary of the last few weeks before my parents head up to their South Dakota cabin to get a lot of food from them. Ribs, brisket! And we went to our very first restaurant post-COVID the past week. Jā€™s very first restaurant experience ever at nine months old! He got the hang of it in no time, and both Harrison and J liked the people watching and different atmosphere.

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Whatā€™s Up Wednesday {04.28.21}

These are some of my favorite posts to read on othersā€™ blogs. A little peak into a whole variety of things going on in Lane Life Lately. Today, Iā€™m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you whatā€™s going on in our life!


Iā€™m making two meals this week: Mix and Match Mamaā€™s Sausage Vodka Pasta + Cafe Deliteā€™s Balsamic Baked Chicken Breast with Mozzarella Cheese


Where the time goes, honestly. You all know Iā€™m a Timehop addict. Timehop is an app that shows you pictures from that day in years past. And right now, Iā€™m in a whole land of newborn Harrison-ness from three years ago. And Iā€™m just baffled about how it happened that the little kid that stands in front of me now is the same helpless little baby just three years ago.

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Friday Favorites {04.23.21}

Happy Friday, friends! I am two weeks post second vaccination this week, which has me so very thankful! And ready to do all the things. Is it strange, though, I still feel super cautious about doing some of the things we used to do regularly before this pandemic? I canā€™t wait to go out to a restaurant with Nathan, but a little part of me is still saying, ā€œYeah, but is that smart? Are you sure you want to do that?ā€ Amazing how we can re-train our brain. May be time to start re-training it to be more normal. šŸ˜Š.

Iā€™ve got a whole lot of family favorites this week. Enjoy and happy weekend!

I know Easter was forever ago, but I havenā€™t had an opportunity to share any pictures yet from our Easter celebrations. We got the chance to see my family for Easter this year, and I had so much fun watching Harrison and cousin Evie Easter egg hunt at my parents!

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Learning to Live with Food Allergies

I’ve shared a lot about Jonathan’s journey over the past couple of months with plagiocephaly and torticollis. I haven’t mentioned much about Harrison’s food allergies lately, and I’ve never really shared how we identified his food allergies.

Harrison has several different food allergies. Weā€™ve identified that he is allergic to eggs and sesame. Nathan has very mild food allergies, but it wasnā€™t until our niece was diagnosed with a severe gluten allergy a year before Harrison was born that we had food allergies first come to roost for our family. Because of what we saw first hand with Evie, we were on the look out for food allergies with Harrison when we started to introduce solid foods to him. I nervously gave him gluten for the first time, and waited nervously to see if he would react. I was on high alert, too, as he first tried peanuts. I wasnā€™t really well versed on the common allergens, though, aside from gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and dairy.

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7 Quick Harrison Takes (v. VII)

If youā€™re new around here, every once in awhile I like to round up seven quick things that are making me laugh or melting my heart about Harrison. Given this is Harrisonā€™s birthday week, I thought weā€™d do a little peak into what early three year old life looks like lately.

I love going back to read these because itā€™s an easy way that I can memorialize these small little bits of his personality as he grows. Just the other day, I said ā€œThumbs up, Harrison!ā€ And instead of putting up his index fingers like he had for months, he stuck his little thumbs right in the air. The end of an era, and it made me tear up just a bit.

-1- Lately, Harrisonā€™s been replying affirmatively that he knows what things mean, and then immediately follows it up with an ā€œI donā€™t know what that means.ā€ So, we could say, ā€œHarrison, do you know what the Easter bunny brings?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ ā€œWhat does he bring?ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know!ā€

-2- Grabbing his brother or dad, and exclaiming, ā€œTake a picture, Mom!ā€ Or ā€œTake a picture, Dad!ā€

-3- Itā€™s a common one, but the way he pronounces ā€œyellowā€ as ā€œlellow.ā€

-4- When Jonathan starts crying, Harrison replies, ā€œItā€™s ok baby Jonathan.ā€ And immediately goes to get Jonathanā€™s lovie for him.

-5- ā€œI like Francesco and Lightning McQueen.ā€

-6- Iā€™m not sure where it started, but he exclaims, ā€œWhat the heck in bob???ā€ Whoā€™s Bob? I have no idea.

-7- Everytime we go over a bump in the car, he asks, ā€œMom, you need a new car?ā€