Category: Jonathan

Plagiocephaly + a Baby Helmet

It was at Jonathan’s two month appointment that our pediatrician first pointed out that the back of his head was flatter than the other. Both Nathan and I had noticed it, too. Primarily because we knew what to look for this time around. Harrison, also, had some head flatness on one side of his head. Likely from sleeping for long periods of time very early in his life and preferring to have his head to one particular side. Jonathan, also, was a good sleeper pretty early, and the doctor gave us some exercises to help us work with him to start stretching his neck muscles to help him to put less pressure on the flat side of his head.

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Friday Favorites {01.22.21}

It’s been a crazy week at the Lane house. Baby J and I have been running from one doctor appointment to the next, all while trying to juggle a busy time at work. I’m thankful for some rest this upcoming weekend, the promise of good take-out to celebrate my birthday with my boys, and Chiefs football on Sunday (hopefully with our main QB!). Happy Friday, friends!

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Christmas 2020 – A Photo Diary

We missed our family this Christmas. Our usual Christmas routine involves a chaotic day. It starts with Christmas at our house to open presents from Santa and our immediate little family. It’s then followed by brunch and presents with my side of the family at Mimi and Papa’s house, and then afternoon naps and Christmas dinner/presents with Nathan’s family. And we missed it this year. Especially having extra sets of hands to entertain kiddos during the day. 🙂

But we made the most of it, and had our little Christmas at home with just the four of us. Complete with Zoom calls to our families, a big brunch and ending with steaks for Christmas dinner. It was both exhausting and so much fun. Harrison really started to understand Santa this year (he comes down the chim-a-lee) and had so much fun. Here’s what our Christmas looked like this year…

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Dear Jonathan, (v. V)

Five months with you sweet boy. Enough time has passed now that it’s hard to remember life before your sweet spirit. You are my little calm always wanting to be close to mommy. You are Mr. Independent. Already so vocal when things are NOT happening the way you want. 

This month we watched you start to try to play with your big brother, eager to interact and have fun. Find joy in playing with your toys, and ever more proficient at rolling despite our continued attempts to keep you on your tummy. 

The ever observer. I love watching you take in your world. I couldn’t love being your mommy more. You are perfect, my sweet baby J. 



{originally posted to Instagram}

Dear Jonathan (v. IV)

Another month of smiles, laughing, and coos. This month you’ve started interacting with us. You search for me when you hear me call your name. You watch and kick In excitement when Harrison plays with you. You’re happiest being held. Assured of your people being there. Loving you. 

Little boy. Being your mommy is the best job of all.  Watching you learn to love on your family is pure joy. I love you, baby J. So big.



Naming Jonathan Brooks

Some time back, I wrote about the meaning behind Harrison, our first little boy’s name. You can read that post HERE. Today, I thought I’d share the meaning behind Jonathan’s name.

Nathan and I struggle with agreeing on boys names. Girls names – no problem. We have loads of girl names we both like. In fact, if we were to ever have a girl, which doesn’t seem likely now, we already have a name for her. But instead, God has blessed us with little boys. Cute, adorable little boys that we STRUGGLE to find common ground naming them.

About a month before Jonathan was born, we got serious about figuring out a name. After all, he could have come at any minute, and I didn’t want to be trying to name him in the hospital! We eventually settled on Jonathan Brooks.

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Dear Jonathan (v. III)

Happy three months! We’ve really gotten into our groove this past month. You love the extra time with me and daddy to talk and play.  You’re showered daily with Harrison kisses and hugs.  Watching your sweet little eyes light up when we sit down and talk to you makes my day bright.

But putting you down to sleep at night, when your eyes quickly drift off, is my favorite.  Happy.  Content.  Safe.  Just being able to feel that your little soul feels loved and safe in my arms is the sweetest blessing of all.  You are pure quiet, kind, light in this crazy world, little boy.  My sweet little light.



{{For earlier letters to Jonathan, see my Instagram.}}

What’s Up Wednesday {10.28.20}

My last What’s Up Wednesday was in June! Four whole months ago! I few things have changed since then. Little Jonathan has changed our family forever. I can’t believe he’s going to be three months old on Friday. How do babies grow up so fast?!

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Chicken pot pie
  • Monday: Leftovers
  • Tuesday: Chicken teriyaki stir fry
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: Homemade pizza
  • Friday: Carry out dinner


Halloween’s past! We’re not doing trick-or-treating this year, but I love looking at how much Harrison has grown since his first Halloween.

When Harrison was six months old, he dressed up as Where’s Waldo?

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The Lanes Lately – October Edition

I’ve been gone from blog world for almost two months. I thought I’d only be gone for six weeks. Maybe even only four if everything went well! But like everything with life and a new baby, you just can’t really estimate what life will be like juggling two little ones instead of just one.

To make matters more interesting and challenging, because #COVID, Harrison was home with us for about a month leading up to Jonathan’s birth and for two months afterwards. This is his very first week back at daycare. I adore his daycare, and he has truly thrived there, so I was eager to get him back to his routine, his friends, and a place he really loves, but it also weighs on me these types of decisions right now. Whether he’ll be safe from coronavirus, whether we will be ok if he brings it home to us…you just can’t really know. We weighed the risks and benefits of it all, and decided that for Harrison and our family, it was best for him to go back to school. I know so many of you have had that hard decision to make this fall too, and it makes me so happy when I see other moms supporting each other and the hard decisions we make for our families. So keep it up, friends! This is a tough year and season of life, but I have no doubt that good, good things are coming.

MAKING: A whole lot of energy bites. I blogged the recipe HERE. We go through at least a full batch of these weekly right now.

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