Category: Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites: Stunning Garden Performers and Duds {09.06.19}

One of the hardest parts about the beginning of fall for me is taking out the annual plants in my garden. I always have the best of intentions of taking pictures of everything so that I can keep track of what really took to its growing spot and exploded, versus performed average to sad, sad underperformers so I never buy them again.

Sadly, I so rarely remember to take pictures, and then I end up repeating some of the same mistakes as the last year….BUT, not this year. I put this topic on my blogging calendar, which means I’m actually going to stick to it. So here it is – my favorite garden performers this year:

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Friday Favorites – Favorite Summer Memories Edition {08.30.19}

It’s the last Friday Favorites of summer. With the cooler temperatures we had last weekend, and heading up to the Hills this weekend to visit my parents, I’m mentally ready to take the step into Fall.

I thought it would be fun to look back on the summer slightly different this Friday with a round-up of my favorite summer memories this year.

We had such a fun summer. Harrison was into EVERYTHING this summer. He was interacting and starting to talk, napping less, exploring the world, and it made summer so fun!

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Friday Favorites {08.23.19}

Some of you are all, “I CAN’T WAIT FOR FALL! Crisp air, leaves changing, pumpkin spice. Cozy sweaters.” But I’m all over here hanging on to summer. This summer seemed to go so fast. And I’m only in a small bit of denial about it coming to an end. In two more weekends, I’ll embrace fall fully. Don’t you worry. 🙂

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Friday Favorites: Best Amazon Buys Lately

The number of Amazon boxes that show up at this house could be considered embarrassing. The ease of two day shipping and literally what seems like anything available, makes it a no-brainer for a working mama. This…

This is me. I am a Prime addict. And Nathan makes fun of me for it – but as long as they keep making my life easier, you bet we are here for it. I Prime what seems like everything these days. Wipes? Two days. Cool toy I see another mama has at the pool? Two days. Granola bars? Two days. Amazon has made so many things in life just so easy. Here’s a few of the things that have been making life better around here lately.

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Friday Favorites – In Bloom

I’m linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea and sharing my Friday Favorites of flowers in bloom around my gardens.

In the Midwest, this is the time of year when some of my spectacular spring plants are really starting to wear away in the real heat and humidity of a Kansas City summer. What’s interesting, though, is that there are plants that kind of hang out all spring, and then REALLY gear up in this deathly heat. Here are some favorites around the garden right now:

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Friday Favorites!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Edition

It’s that time of year again! I’m linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea and sharing my Friday Favorites from the anniversary sale.

Are you even a blogger if you don’t blog about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale? No. The answer is no. For those of you who are new to the Anniversary Sale, here’s the deal: Every year, Nordstrom puts a selection of their brand new fall merchandise on sale. It’s not just clothing either – there’s beauty essentials, shoes, accessories, and even home items. I basically stock my entire closet for the fall/winter with this sale.

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