Category: Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites {06.09.23}

Aidan and I got back home on Wednesday. We’re getting back into the swing of Lane life chaos with three little boys! They are wanting to play outside all of the time. Jonathan rotates between his Fisher Price cozy coupe, his ‘motorcycle’ aka balance bike, the big bike with training wheels, and his tricycle. He jumps at literally every chance he can get to drive the blue truck. And Harrison wants to play every last single sport under the sun at all times: soccer, baseball, golf, basketball. There’s not a single sport he doesn’t seem to love.

Harrison informed nearly as soon as I arrived home that he was out of clean underwear. Apparently when mom is away, laundry piles up. 😂

If you’ve been coming here for any length of time, you may notice that I did a brand refresh! I thought it was time to have my own stylized branding rather than the standard WordPress template. 🙂 I love how it turned out!

Now let me know how I could help you use this space better in the comments!

Of course, spending a week with my parents and Aidan in the Black Hills is a favorite this week. The fresh mountain air, catnaps on the covered porch were just what the doctor ordered for me and Aidan!

The real favorite of this maternity leave so far has been the Baby Bjorn bouncer. It’s been hauled all over the house and outside so that Aidan can hang with the family. Aidan loves it. In fact, it’s been a hit with all three boys.

Little Harrison graduated from Pre-K this spring! He is soooo ready for Kindergarten. He’s been excited about Kindergarten for well over a year. But wow, this went fast.

Just look at him on his first day that he started at his new school…

Peony season came and went, and I shared absolutely no photos of my beautiful peonies. These bring me the most joy. They were divided from my mom’s garden to my garden, and are truly the most prolific bloomers with an incredible scent…

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I’m off to continue conquering the mountain of boy laundry and prepping for a play date with four five year olds tomorrow morning. 🤪. See you back here next week!

Friday Favorites {03.24.23}

I’m listening to a book right now that I literally can not put down. Every chance I get, I’m listening to five or ten minutes here and there because it is SO. GOOD. And I’m not going to finish it by the time I do my book review next week, but I have been on a hot streak this year. Good book after good book, and I can’t wait to share it!

In other news, the countdown of the weekends before baby has begun. I feel like my next few weeks is trying to fit in every last person’s doctor appointment, haircut, dinner with friends, etc., before baby’s big arrival! I’m so looking forward to it all, and, of course, the arrival our precious littlest one.

And we’re off! On the spring sports train! Spring soccer started for Harrison this past week. I love getting to watch him do something he loves, and his new team/program were such a great challenge and something different for him! I’m just hoping his next game/practice is a little less cold….and windy. (And I hear all of you sports moms out there telling me, “yeah right. Buckle up.”)

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Friday Favorites {03.17.23}

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, friends! Have you ever tried explaining what St. Patrick’s Day is to a four year old? It’s really quite difficult and confusing. You have to wear green, or people can pinch you. Well, you shouldn’t pinch your friends. But that’s what you’re supposed to do. Even though you should keep your hands to yourself.

Either way, we’re going to celebrate with some green waffles and marshmallows, wear our green, and call it a day.

Let’s do some Friday Favorites!

The nursery has been getting painted this week!! I truly feel like this is the latest I’ve ever pushed getting “settled” before a baby comes. I’m hoping that once I have a place to decorate and put all of this little one’s things, that I’ll get myself in gear to finish getting out the rest of the baby things…like the bouncer…swing…swaddles…bottles…pacifiers.

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Friday Favorites {03.10.23}

We got a little taste of beautiful spring weather last weekend. And now, this weekend is going to be cold and grey. Isn’t that always the case, though? Spring seems to show up for just a moment. Enough to quench your soul and make you feel alive again. And then it disappears for another month…or two. But it had me daydreaming about spring walks with the new baby, and garden centers filled with flowers.

It was just enough to brighten our home and my soul.

We’ve had a super busy week at the house this week. We had an egress window installed in the basement, so that one day we can finish off the basement and count the square footage as finished space. AND I prepped our (used to be) playroom for our painter to come start work on painting the new nursery!

Last weekend, a few of my friends threw me the cutest little baby sprinkle. My motto post-COVID is that all things should be celebrated, so even though I had a baby shower and no one knows the gender of this little one, I loved getting to see all of my girlfriends in one place!

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Friday Favorites {02.17.23}

Between being SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS, Valentine’s day this week, and celebrating Nathan’s birthday this weekend, it feels like it’s been such a busy and fun week getting to celebrate so many things! The downside of working for a team scattered all over the US, though, is that no one else seemed to care that Kansas City was shut down on Wednesday for a championship parade. 🙂

I’m so excited to celebrate Nathan this weekend! The boys are pumped for cake and happy birthdays, and I’m looking forward to a fun birthday date night on Sunday.

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Friday Favorites {02.10.23}

I have a note on my calendar today that Kindergarten enrollment opens today. Kindergarten. Have we really already passed the baby, toddler and preschool years with our oldest? Oh my goodness. I’m so excited for him, and he’s so ready. And still, I’d just give anything to go back to one more day with this little boy…

And now I’m casually crying at my computer…He was always Harrison. From the minute he was born. I look back at it now, and I can see it ever so clearly. His contemplative nature and the need to figure things out. His a million miles a minute “Hurricane Harrison” was there from the beginning. The doer, goer, tryer, confident little boy was always there.

Here I am off on a tangent again. But, alas, it feels monumental. Kindergarten.

We had a good week. Started it off with some nicer weather and being able to play outside, and then Chiefs Superbowl spirit week at school! Here’s a look at some things that brought a smile to my face this week.

Speaking of Harrison, Nathan and Harrison got back from their annual boys’ ski trip to Breckenridge. I love that Nathan wants to do this trip. I smile just thinking about these two spending one-on-one time together. And Harrison seems to be a natural picking up another activity…

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Friday Favorites {01.06.23}

The first Friday of the new year! I hope everyone survived back to work/back to school/back to reality this week. We muddled our way through it. Mostly my 5:00 am alarm was the most shocking after giving myself two weeks to sleep in and lounge around. :). I have a few favorites from the past couple of weeks to share with you!

A few weeks ago I hosted my annual Christmas book club. We had so much fun doing a white elephant gift exchange of our favorite thing from 2022.

I gifted Half Baked Harvest’s latest cookbook “Everyday.”

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Friday Favorites {12.09.22}

While I had my act together ordering Christmas presents, they’ve all showed up in the past week and a half, and my goodness, I need to get to wrapping! I’m due for a big wrapping day coming up here….I hope you all had a great week and have some fun, festive things planned for the weekend! Our oldest, Harrison is with Nathan in Denver for the weekend, so Jonathan and I are on our own!

It’s so simple, but I love that Jonathan will still let me rock him to sleep at naptime. An absolute dream.

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Friday Favorites {10.21.22}

Monday morning was Jonathan’s first day back at daycare after spending the previous week at home with me potty training. Guys, I felt ALMOST as nervous as the day I dropped off Harrison at daycare for the first time. Would they pay attention to his cues enough? Would he be successful? (Because I so badly wanted him to have an awesome day & week showing off his new skill!) I checked my daycare app about twenty times that day. And he did awesome. So relieved! It wasn’t perfect, but so, so, so good. Whew.

I rounded up a lot of family favorites from the past few weeks to share today!

I had so much fun going pumpkin patchin’ with the boys and their cousins a couple of weeks ago! It’s truly one of my favorite days of the year. Trying to take a picture of two, much less four kids together is pretty much impossible at this age. So I offer up some very bad group kids pics. 🙂

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Friday Favorites {10.07.22}

Happy Friday, friends! We have a busy weekend ahead, and I’m so looking forward to it! Harrison has a soccer game, and then we’re getting lots of family time including going to the pumpkin patch with the cousins. It’s one of my FAVORITE activities of the whole year!

I usually don’t listen to anything while I’m working or writing in this blog. My mind can’t concentrate on hearing multiple things at once. 🙂 But just this week, I’ve rediscovered my love of piano music. I played piano through most of my childhood years, and there’s something so calming about listening to piano music. I’m loving this playlist on Spotify of Autumn Piano Vibes.

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