Category: Lifestyle

Friday Favorites: Amazon & Target Lately {03.27.20}

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a post about what I’ve been Priming from Amazon lately, and picking up from Target. With quarantine, though, I feel like the Amazon delivery truck has been making a stop at our house almost daily. While most of it is just normal household goods, there’s been a few fun purchases thrown in lately!

Curling Wand

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Friday Favorites {03.20.20}

Oh my goodness. What a crazy time we’re living in right now. The company I work for has just finished our first week of working from home. Which is surreal. I never thought I’d see this day come.

Last night, though, we got outside in beautiful in 70* evening weather, and played soccer with little man. The smile on sweet Harrison’s face made me feel for just a few minutes, that things were right in the world.

I always feel like the first time you get to see your little nugget move around on a screen is so surreal. It’s hard to connect that this is what’s inside of me right now, growing and getting ready to meet us in 20 weeks. We’re going to have so many pictures of this little guy, because they’re monitoring his growth out of an abundance of caution that I may have what’s called a partial cord insertion. But so far, this little guy seems to be kicking up a storm and growing just fine! And for that, we are so unbelievably thankful.

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Friday Favorites {03.13.20}

I started writing this post last weekend. The tone of this Friday Favorites feels very different four days later (I’m writing this on Thursday night). The entire world feels like it’s shutting down because of the coronavirus. And I’ve got to say, I’ve got a decent amount of worry about it. Mostly for my parents and Nathan and my grandparents. I know there are many people saying that the country is over-reacting, and you know, maybe they are overreacting. But what if they’re not? What if extreme measures ARE in fact necessary to slow the spread of this? I just don’t think anyone is going to look back at these decisions and say, “that was too much” if it does in fact reduce the number of new cases. And isn’t that the most important thing? That we be painfully cautious. That we depend on each other to take care of each other. And right now, that means forgoing some of the luxuries that we so freely enjoy regularly.

Anyways, enough about the fear and worry. Instead, maybe focus on some happier things. It’s my first Friday of the calendar year with my little man again! Given that I know there are only a limited number of Fridays left with just Harrison in my life before our newest little one arrives, I’m going to savor these days. Just me and my first little baby love. We also had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday, and I’ll share more from that soon!

Today, I’m sharing a few pictures from life lately around the Lane house. Just a whole lot of Harrison pictures really…

We celebrated our beautiful Aunt Ashton’s birthday this past weekend. I love the heart of this girl. She’s a blessing to me and to Harrison. I’ll say it over and over again, I hit the jackpot when I married into the Lane family. But this girl in particular, she loved me in this family before I had probably earned it. And that’s just the way her heart works. Happy birthday, Aunt Ashton!

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Friday Favorites {02.28.20}

Happy last Friday in February! I only have one more week of busy season, and then I’m back to hanging with my little man on Fridays! And I can’t wait for lot of adventures with Harrison before our newest little man arrives, which brings me to my first favorite for this week…

If you missed my post on our gender reveal the other weekend, you can read it HERE! But my first favorite is knowing that I’m going to have another cute little boy to love on in just five months!

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Friday Favorites {02.07.20}

This weekend somehow got away from me. Harrison spent the night with his Gigi & Pops on Saturday, and Sunday we spent most of the day preparing for our Super Bowl party with my family, which leads me to my one and only favorite from this week.


Is this how it feels all the time to be a Pats fan? Because it feels crazy and unbelievable!

So all I have for you this week is a bunch of pictures of Harrison and Evie from the Super Bowl…

Happy the ‘Chiefs are the Super Bowl champions’ weekend!

Friday Favorites {01.31.20}

Welcome to the 509th day of January. Seriously, why is January the LONGEST month of the entire year?! We are so excited about this weekend! We have LOTS of fun plans, including…


Kansas City is ALIVE with Chiefs fever, including Harrison’s daycare! It’s such a fun time to be around KC. Although my Denver Broncos loving husband, and in-law’s, are tepid at best about all of their friends excitement over the big game. :). I’m so nervous, but so excited!

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What’s Up Wednesday {01.29.20}

My first What’s Up Wednesday of the new year! This January seems to be lasting for forever. Anybody else? I’m craving warmer weather, and time spent outside in the garden and walks with my little man.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


January and February are my busiest months at work. Dinner time is all about easy, easy, easy.

  • Sunday: Carne asada tacos
  • Tuesday: Pulled pork leftovers from my birthday dinner at my parents’ house!
  • Wednesday: Maybe leftovers
  • Thursday: Baked potato bar
  • Friday: Out to eat
  • Saturday: Date night!


Warm weather. And gardens that are full of flowers and greenery.

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Friday Favorites: BIG news!

Oooooh. I have been waiting for what feels like SO LONG to share this FAVORITE with you. We were so late getting Christmas cards out this year. So late that they became mid-January New Year’s cards. But that was all for a very good reason, because we wanted to be able to share with all of our friends that….

WE’RE EXPECTING!!! Little baby Lane is due to join us in July, and Nathan and I are OVER THE MOON excited to welcome a little one to the family.

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Friday Favorites {01.17.20}

January and February are my really busy months at work. It feels like for two months, I run around like a crazy person trying to get it all done both at home and at work. The solace is that it’s not super nice outside, so I don’t feel like I’m missing time in my garden, going to the pool, and all fo the wonderful things I love in the spring and summer. There are still plenty of things, though, that makes the week more fun!

I love snow in the winter. Within reason, of course. But it just makes the world quiet, and I love that kind of peace. We got a couple inches of snow last weekend, and it was wonderfully beautiful. And inclusive of hot chocolate, of course!

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Friday Favorites {12.20.19}

It’s my last Friday Favorite post of 2019! I’m going to take next week off to allow myself a mental break. Time to spend with Harrison, Nathan, and family, and to allow myself to recharge for the new year, so I can bring you even better things in 2020! I hope you’re taking some time away too!

This past week we have been busy getting ready for Christmas, visiting Santa, and best of all this time of year, we got our first snowfall! Nothing makes it feel more like holidays than a fresh coat of snow on the ground. It was magical and beautiful! Which brings me to my first favorite…

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