Category: Our Life

Friday Favorites {02.28.20}

Happy last Friday in February! I only have one more week of busy season, and then I’m back to hanging with my little man on Fridays! And I can’t wait for lot of adventures with Harrison before our newest little man arrives, which brings me to my first favorite for this week…

If you missed my post on our gender reveal the other weekend, you can read it HERE! But my first favorite is knowing that I’m going to have another cute little boy to love on in just five months!

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What’s Up Wednesday {02.26.20}

The end is in sight for the end of busy season! If you’ve been following along here, you know that I work full time in the accounting field, and our busiest time of the year during January and February. And the end is ALMOST HERE! Which means, spring is just around the corner! Time for walks outside, planting season and trips to the garden center, and more time with my sweet little man.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


  • Sunday: Nathan made burgers this weekend – one of my absolute favorite things that he makes in the whole world. So we did leftovers on Sunday.
  • Tuesday: Chicken taquitos
  • Wednesday: Leftovers
  • Thursday: Potato soup
  • Friday: Leftovers
  • Saturday: Out to eat!


Our gender reveal last weekend!

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A Quick Break

I decided on Friday that I would allow myself a break this week from blogging. Work things, personal things piled on top of pregnancy things this week. And there are just times when something has to give for the sake of working on the things that are your priorities in life. And that’s this week. So, I had great things planned for the blog this week, but I’m just going to move them to next week to allow myself the rest and space I need right now. I hope your week is wonderful, and I’ll see you back here next Tuesday!

The Moment When Everything Changes

I see it so clearly now in how little Harrison goes about life. He’s blissfully unaware to be self-conscious about anything. He exclaims happily, “YAY!” when he loves something or someone finishes singing a song. He claps his hands and stomps his feet when he’s excited about something. He happily dances to any song waving one arm in a lawn mower fashion while prancing around on his feet. He’s 100% unabashedly himself.

I can’t help but think how refreshing that is in this world. It seems that at some point, we all become aware that there are things that are socially “cool” and socially…so not. There’s a point when someone may point out to you, in your childhood usually, that you have an unusual physical feature, or a different way of saying something or doing something, and you become self-conscious of it for forever.

Sure, most of us grow up to adjust our mindset and embrace these things. But I can’t help but wish we could live our lives a little more like an almost two year old. Dancing the way we want, whenever the beat hits us. Exclaiming loudly with joy when we love something. Hugging people with every ounce of our being just because we are so excited to see them after being gone for just an hour. What would a world like that look like? Seems like it would be a lot more fun.

How I Get Ready for a Busy Period of Life

I am at my heart a planner. I like to be as prepared as possible for big changes and busy life seasons. My Januarys and Februarys for the last eleven years are my busiest months at work. Before I went to a reduced schedule, it was anticipated that at a very minimum, you would work from 8 in the morning until at least 7/8 at night. But most of the time, it was much later than that. Saturday work days at the office were the norm. Sundays spending at least a few hours working were typical. Now, with my reduced workload, I have less of those hours expectations, but it’s still busier than normal. Clients have immovable deadlines, and something, invariably, always goes wrong at some point during those months.

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What’s Up Wednesday {01.29.20}

My first What’s Up Wednesday of the new year! This January seems to be lasting for forever. Anybody else? I’m craving warmer weather, and time spent outside in the garden and walks with my little man.

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share with you what’s going on in our life lately!


January and February are my busiest months at work. Dinner time is all about easy, easy, easy.

  • Sunday: Carne asada tacos
  • Tuesday: Pulled pork leftovers from my birthday dinner at my parents’ house!
  • Wednesday: Maybe leftovers
  • Thursday: Baked potato bar
  • Friday: Out to eat
  • Saturday: Date night!


Warm weather. And gardens that are full of flowers and greenery.

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A Day in the Life {Jan 2020}

I love getting a peak into what family’s lives look like on a day to day basis. I marked a couple Thursdays ago in my calendar to document my day from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. I’ve done one other day in the life last July HERE.

It was a totally ordinary day for us in the Lane house. I usually start my weekdays early…

Up to get ready to go to my workout class at the Bar Method.

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Friday Favorites {01.17.20}

January and February are my really busy months at work. It feels like for two months, I run around like a crazy person trying to get it all done both at home and at work. The solace is that it’s not super nice outside, so I don’t feel like I’m missing time in my garden, going to the pool, and all fo the wonderful things I love in the spring and summer. There are still plenty of things, though, that makes the week more fun!

I love snow in the winter. Within reason, of course. But it just makes the world quiet, and I love that kind of peace. We got a couple inches of snow last weekend, and it was wonderfully beautiful. And inclusive of hot chocolate, of course!

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Let’s Look…At Your Nightstand

Two of my favorite blogs host a link up once a month to look at little everyday things in our lives. I missed linking up last week, but wanted to participate! So today, I’m sharing a little look at my nightstand. Check out Erika and Shay’s blogs to look at other bloggers that linked up to share their bedside table.

I thought it would be fun to look back at all of the things we shared last year.

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Friday Favorites: Christmas Book Club

Hosting Christmas book club is one of my favorite things to do during the year. It’s a kick-off to the holiday season with all of my girl friends. I blogged about how I get ready for hosting this event here, so today I’m just going to share a few fun pictures from our final book club of the year.

I realized after taking this that I was missing my spinach and artichoke biscuit wreath! But hey, close enough. Food set out. A good balance of salty, cheesy, and sweet treats.

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