Friday Favorites {02.10.23}

I have a note on my calendar today that Kindergarten enrollment opens today. Kindergarten. Have we really already passed the baby, toddler and preschool years with our oldest? Oh my goodness. I’m so excited for him, and he’s so ready. And still, I’d just give anything to go back to one more day with this little boy…

And now I’m casually crying at my computer…He was always Harrison. From the minute he was born. I look back at it now, and I can see it ever so clearly. His contemplative nature and the need to figure things out. His a million miles a minute “Hurricane Harrison” was there from the beginning. The doer, goer, tryer, confident little boy was always there.

Here I am off on a tangent again. But, alas, it feels monumental. Kindergarten.

We had a good week. Started it off with some nicer weather and being able to play outside, and then Chiefs Superbowl spirit week at school! Here’s a look at some things that brought a smile to my face this week.

Speaking of Harrison, Nathan and Harrison got back from their annual boys’ ski trip to Breckenridge. I love that Nathan wants to do this trip. I smile just thinking about these two spending one-on-one time together. And Harrison seems to be a natural picking up another activity…

I hope they do this trip for many years to come. And Jonathan is already looking forward to his chance to join the trip next year because he’ll be old enough to start ski school!

We had a big milestone here this week. Both boys got upgraded beds. Harrison moved to a full size bed, which he naturally seems to sprawl out in like he’s had that much room his whole life. And Baby J moved to his big boy bed. He was so dang proud.

Jonathan took me on a “date night” last Friday night. I think it’s going to become my new thing with the boys. I loved watching him pick out what he wanted to wear, and then marching proudly into the restaurant. It’s always so special to get to spend one-on-one time with one of the boys. They thrive with the attention and time, and it’s just special.

Jonathan asked me when we were leaving if we could do date night again soon….obviously yes.


All the time. Or I think, “did I just overshare?”

THE CHIEFS ARE IN THE SUPER BOWL THIS WEEKEND! I’m so excited! And so nervous! But mostly excited to cheer on my Chiefs with my boys. At least I’m hoping the little boys will be on my side…

Hope you all have a great weekend!

5 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {02.10.23}

  1. Aw, what a sweet post to read! Kindergarten is a big milestone. Your date night sounds so sweet. Glad the boys are so excited about their new beds.

  2. It’s hard to believe how fast the years fly by! Kindergarten is a huge milestone and it’s exciting and sad all at the same time. I look at my grown up boys and long for the days when the were babies. Oh man, I better stop because I’m getting teary!! Anyway I hope you have a lovely weekend.

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