Friday Favorites {02.28.20}

Happy last Friday in February! I only have one more week of busy season, and then I’m back to hanging with my little man on Fridays! And I can’t wait for lot of adventures with Harrison before our newest little man arrives, which brings me to my first favorite for this week…

If you missed my post on our gender reveal the other weekend, you can read it HERE! But my first favorite is knowing that I’m going to have another cute little boy to love on in just five months!

I don’t get to see my high school friends very often, but out of the blue the other day, we were able to meet up for dinner. It can be months between seeing each other, but it always seems like we never miss a beat.

The very first signs of Spring showed up in my garden this past week!!!! These sweet little crocuses popped up bringing a healthy dose of cheer that was much needed!

Oh my goodness. Gymboree classes have been our saving grace this February. Harrison is crazy active and physical, and he LOVES these classes. Especially getting to go to class with his Cousin Evie. Bubbles. Parachute time. Lots of things to climb on, slide down, and jump off. My kid LOVES it!

Couldn’t go without saying that this sign is definitely a favorite right now! Love our Super Bowl Champion KC Chiefs!

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