Friday Favorites {03.13.20}

I started writing this post last weekend. The tone of this Friday Favorites feels very different four days later (I’m writing this on Thursday night). The entire world feels like it’s shutting down because of the coronavirus. And I’ve got to say, I’ve got a decent amount of worry about it. Mostly for my parents and Nathan and my grandparents. I know there are many people saying that the country is over-reacting, and you know, maybe they are overreacting. But what if they’re not? What if extreme measures ARE in fact necessary to slow the spread of this? I just don’t think anyone is going to look back at these decisions and say, “that was too much” if it does in fact reduce the number of new cases. And isn’t that the most important thing? That we be painfully cautious. That we depend on each other to take care of each other. And right now, that means forgoing some of the luxuries that we so freely enjoy regularly.

Anyways, enough about the fear and worry. Instead, maybe focus on some happier things. It’s my first Friday of the calendar year with my little man again! Given that I know there are only a limited number of Fridays left with just Harrison in my life before our newest little one arrives, I’m going to savor these days. Just me and my first little baby love. We also had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday, and I’ll share more from that soon!

Today, I’m sharing a few pictures from life lately around the Lane house. Just a whole lot of Harrison pictures really…

We celebrated our beautiful Aunt Ashton’s birthday this past weekend. I love the heart of this girl. She’s a blessing to me and to Harrison. I’ll say it over and over again, I hit the jackpot when I married into the Lane family. But this girl in particular, she loved me in this family before I had probably earned it. And that’s just the way her heart works. Happy birthday, Aunt Ashton!

Some dirt arrived for our back patio this week. And while it was just to even the grade of some of the plantings around the patio, it has me dreaming of SPRING. And reminding me that I need to sit down and finish planning out my pots and gardens for the year!

Look at these two peas in a pod. I feel so lucky to have Harrison grow up around his grandparents. Being able to stop by my parents’ after church for a smoothie and just play time is one of the many simple things that make my heart so happy.

Getting to enjoy a warm weekend day outside with family. Hoping that we have many more days like this ahead of us this summer.

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