Friday Favorites {03.19.21}

It sure seems like lately I keep thinking back to what life was like a year ago. How much anxiety and fear I had of the virus, making hard decisions to take Harrison out of daycare, not knowing how long it all would last. I remember wondering when the “new” normal would feel normal. It’s always amazing to me how eventually you look back at it, and realize you no longer obsess over it every day, and it has become a part of the normal. I’ve got a few random things that have made me smile this week for you all…

I love the way that Harrison is challenged when he moved up into a new class. The other day, they sent me a picture that the kids were learning the importance of cleaning up messes they helped make. Sign me up. Harrison has always loved helping clean up, but I love the lessons they are teaching him at school.

I don’t have a very pretty stove to take this picture on, but I do have a really pretty pan that I LOVE. The Our Place Always Pan is soooo good. I’ve been picking it to cook just about everything these days: eggs, grilled cheese, sautéed green beans, steamed veggies. It’s fantastic. And the cute color and built in spoon rest is just an added bonus. I originally bought black, but decided within 24 hours that I wanted a cute color instead. Their customer service was great and super accommodating.

I’m not sure why, but out of nowhere, Harrison’s been very into having his picture taken. He’ll grab brother, and say, “Take a picture!” Now I have a ton of out of the blue pictures of Harrison with Jonathan or daddy on my phone. Jonathan with his little tongue sticking out makes me laugh. It seems to be permanently stuck out nowadays. Hahaha.

After the past year of COVID-19, I’m enjoying and embracing celebrating even the smallest things. We celebrated St. Patty’s Day this year by starting the day off with green milk for our Cheerios. Seeing the joy the kids have for something so small reminds me that it’s always worth celebrating.

If you haven’t seen this, I had several friends share this on Instagram over the past couple of weeks. It struck a nerve with so many women, including myself. We have been in survival mode for so long. You are not alone, friend.

Happy weekend, friends!

5 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {03.19.21}

  1. It’s crazy to think all of this has been going on for a year and how much has changed. What a great thing to teach him at daycare! My youngest just moved up a class and I was so nervous about it because he’s the youngest in there, but thankfully it’s working out really well. How cute he wanted to take a picture with his brother! That’s the best. Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. It always makes me so sad and nervous when he moves up a class. Thankfully it has always been a great move, and he adjusts so well! Have a wonderful weekend!

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