Friday Favorites {03.26.21}

I took this week off from work. After a rough busy season, I took the first opportunity to get some time away to just do the things that I enjoy around home. Trips to the garden center, an unexpected day with Harrison, and running errands. My mind feels relaxed for the first time in months, so for that, I’m so very thankful.

If you followed along in my stories this week, you know that Harrison was home sick on Monday. He had run a fever on Sunday, so needed to be fever free for 24 hours to go back to daycare. Harrison was thankfully feeling better for most of the day, and it turned out to be unexpected, but so much fun Harrison & Mommy day. We took walks, ran a few errands, played in the backyard, baked, and ended our day with a walk to get ice cream at our favorite neighborhood ice cream shop.

I’ve realized as of late how truly incredible this tiny human is growing up to be. He’s one of the coolest people I know, and spending the day just concentrating and playing with him was absolute joy.

AHHH. You knew that my parents’ first time being with their grand babies was DEFINITELY going to be a favorite this week. Fully vaccinated, and getting to hug my mom and dad for the first time in a year felt like I could finally breathe easier again. That there was hope again. Hope for normalcy.

I wrote earlier this week a timeline of our COVID year. So very happy to be moving forward from the COVID stage of life.

My mom sent me this meme the other day. It hits very close to home because later that same day, I got to go the garden center with my mom to pick out some spring flowers!

The apple didn’t fall far from that tree. 😂. I kept asking if I really had enough flowers. This filled me unlike anything else this week. It’s been almost two years since we’ve been able to enjoy going to the garden center together. Two years ago, my mom was suffering from the after effects of a concussion and couldn’t handle the over-stimulation of a garden center, and then last year, well, we know what happened last year. Gardening brings us both so much joy and peace, and it was so special to be able to share this time together again.

I loved this bird house so much at my mom’s house, that I went and got the same one for myself. I’ve added it to my west side garden to add more structure and height to the garden. I can’t wait to see how it will look with the gardens all planted up underneath it. I wonder if we’ll get residents this year??

It’s a mother’s right to have pictures of their kids taking bath, right? Jonathan officially graduated from his baby bathtub this week, and he loves getting to play with all the new toys and his brother during bath time. 💙

Have a wonderful weekend!

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