Friday Favorites {04.23.21}

Happy Friday, friends! I am two weeks post second vaccination this week, which has me so very thankful! And ready to do all the things. Is it strange, though, I still feel super cautious about doing some of the things we used to do regularly before this pandemic? I can’t wait to go out to a restaurant with Nathan, but a little part of me is still saying, “Yeah, but is that smart? Are you sure you want to do that?” Amazing how we can re-train our brain. May be time to start re-training it to be more normal. 😊.

I’ve got a whole lot of family favorites this week. Enjoy and happy weekend!

I know Easter was forever ago, but I haven’t had an opportunity to share any pictures yet from our Easter celebrations. We got the chance to see my family for Easter this year, and I had so much fun watching Harrison and cousin Evie Easter egg hunt at my parents!

What an amazing blessing to see family again!

This picture makes my heart so full!

Is it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? No. Is it finally ORGANIZED?? And not falling out on top of you when you open the door to grab a paper plate? YES!!!! Finally.

Nathan even said this cabinet stressed him out. That’s saying something from a person who doesn’t usually notice mess or clutter. 😳

I used these cute little wire baskets from Target to organize my plates together, cutlery, napkins, and cups.

This sweet little boy turned THREE last week! I can’t believe it. Watching Harrison’s baby videos make me wonder how it’s possible that it happened so fast. He brought cupcakes and treat bags for his friends at school.

Look at him holding his cupcake just one year ago….

A trip to the garden center with my mom, sister, and niece filled my heart. One of my favorite places to be in the spring is the garden center, and being able to go in person and together to the garden center this year was so much fun.

Evie picked out some flowers to make a fairy garden pot at her home!

Probably should have been my first favorite, but in most exciting news, our little guy GRADUATED FROM HIS HELMET LAST FRIDAY! Yay!!! I’ve been kissing that sweet little baby hair on top of his head all week. I’m sure he’s like, “Mom. Enough already.”

Happy weekend, friends!

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