Friday Favorites {05.01.20}

Holy smokes. That does in fact say May 1st. This marks day 49 of quarantine for us. What day are you all on?

Harrison and I have big plans today. To stay home. :). Here’s what’s bringing me a smile this week…

I’ve got to brag on this little guy this week. Today marks the third week of potty training for little man, and he is doing so so well!

Like everything with child raising, I hope you don’t take away from this a point of comparison to your own kiddo. And I have no doubt that baby boy #2 will be COMPLETELY different than little Harrison. All I’m saying here is that I’m just so super proud of him, and amazed at what he’s capable of learning!

Like everything with kiddos, I needed a manual/approach of how to take on potty training. So, if you’re similar at all to wanting a step by step guide of how to attempt potty training, I read this book before we started!

I could count on one hand the number of things that will keep this child entertained and still for more than ten minutes. But this spring, sensory bins have CHANGED OUR LIVES. I fill a bin with rice, water, bird seed, give Harrison some cups and containers to use with it. Maybe throw a few of his toy cars in the bin, and he will play for an HOUR or sometimes more.

The one that we did above is just water, and I threw one of these tablets in to color the water yellow.

It’s lilac season in Kansas City, and I’m so thankful for a MIL that shares hers with me. I look forward to these beauties every year.

Not sure if it’s the pregnancy or the quarantine, but I’m in need of an ice cream fix just about every night. Our two favorites in rotation are both Blue Bell: cookies and cream and Dutch chocolate, which we add crunched up golden Oreos to. It’s phenomenal. 🙂

I’ve been in desperate need of some motivational quotes lately. I shared this one the other day over on my Instagram.

What are your favorite Insta accounts right now that are getting you through this rough time?

Have a wonderful weekend, all!

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