Friday Favorites {05.21.21}

I’m sitting on our screened in porch on Sunday afternoon. I always start my Friday Favorite posts over the weekend. A big thunderstorm rolled through this morning, and rain is dripping off of the trees hitting the patio. The little chickadee family that is raising a brood of babies in our bird house is popping in and out constantly trying to coax the little ones out of the nest. It’s the last few minutes before the boys are up again from naps. Peaceful and calm.

Speaking of the baby chickadees, I took a very quick peek into the box this weekend and snapped this picture. Look at all of that fluff and sweetness.

I’m not sure exactly when they hatched, but my best guess is that they will hit around the sixteen day mark, which is when most chickadees fledge, sometime this week. I sure will miss their sweet little cheeps when mom or dad showed up with a caterpillar for them. 😊

Did you see my post earlier this week about spring soccer? Soccer ended this past weekend, and I was so proud of our little guy. He improved so much over six weeks, and never gave up. He happily ran and ran and ran for the whole game – so impressed with our little man!

We were finally able to have Harrison’s buddies from school over after so long! First COVID, then a sick kid on the original weekend we had planned. These little boys had the best time destroying the playroom and excavating the sandbox. We may need to refill the sandbox, but they had so much fun working together!


Nathan informed me on Friday night that he had ordered a painting for our dining room. I was both shocked and pleasantly surprised when it arrived, and I loved it! Even better that it’s an abstract painting of the KC skyline, and the building that Nathan and I met in is in the exact center of the picture.

As promised, my favorite Friday flower is this hibiscus. I bought it when it was blooming yellow, and then out of nowhere the following week after I planted it, it produced a fully pink flower. I kind of like it, though, when they both bloom together. It perfectly complements the million bells next to it. ❤️

Happy weekend, friends!

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