Friday Favorites {05.29.20}

I love a short week. The extra time to get things done around the house. I think nesting mode has taken effect because I’m realizing that I only have two more months before baby comes, and we have a lot to do to get Harrison moved into his big boy room before then!

It seems like these days, we all look forward to super simple things in life. For us, it was having Evie, my sister, and her husband, Spencer, over this past weekend to splash together. The things that we seemingly took for granted before this pandemic have an amazing way of reminding us just how special little moments like that are to us.

Harrison and Evie’s sheer adoration of each other and getting to play together after all this time completely filled my heart.

It’s peony season in Kansas, and I’m enjoying beautiful smelling, fresh cut flowers in our house. These pretty ones on our table are from plants that we divided at my mom’s house just two years ago.

Peonies are such easy plants to divide. Just make sure you divide them in the fall before the first frost, and watch a video or two of what you’re looking for in the root ball. You need a handful of “eyes” or “buds” in each root. These are what turn into your flowers the coming year.

I cheated on my Bath & Body Works candles, and I think I may never go back. After watching Shay talk about how much she loved Circle E Candles for years, something this quarantine finally made me say, “I’m going to try them.” And they are incredible. One candle makes the entire house smell fantastic. We’re enjoying a Gardenia candle right now.

I finished almost all of my spring planting over Memorial Day weekend! Now to get to sit back and enjoy watching it grow. And to mulch. I hate mulching, but it’s necessary.

I’m planning a garden tour very soon, though!

As much as we have about a million things to do before little brother arrives on the scene, I’m starting to get so excited (and nervous!) about this new little guy. I can’t wait to see Harrison as a big brother, and as much as I can’t imagine life feeling more complete than our little family is right now, I know that my heart is going to grow ten fold for this new little one.

Happy weekend, friends!

6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {05.29.20}

  1. I will definitely no longer be taking those sweet family gatherings for granted! Its so crazy how quickly things changed with all of this craziness! Also, I agree with the comment above, what a gorgeous backyard!!

    1. I’m so jealous! Our peony season has come to an end with the hard rains we had the past couple of nights. Enjoy!

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