Friday Favorites {07.24.20}

This week can most aptly be characterized as “eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby Lane” week. Harrison was two days late, and we kept thinking that the second baby would arrive a bit earlier than the first. Nathan and I have had our schedules cleared the latter half of the week anticipating his arrival, but here we still wait.

You all know that I’m not a big nail polish girl. I’ve never liked painting my fingernails, because I invariably chip them within 24 hours of painting them. Especially during the summer and working in the garden! But I do always like to have my toenails polished during the summer. There’s something that looks odd to me about unpolished toenails. I picked up this bright pretty pink color in my recent Target drive-up order, and it’s been making me smile all week. Cheery, happy, and so summer-y!

((Those swollen nine month pregnant ankles are coming in strong here. Plus my fantastic All Bird shoe tan))

We are just days away from meeting our second little boy. I am so excited and nervous and anxious and all the things and emotions all at once. I wrote a post earlier this week on my last trimester, including what it’s been liking being pregnant during COVID. If you missed it, you can read it HERE.

Speaking of this new little one joining our family, and in the spirit of giving myself some more grace this go around to get life as a family of four figured out, whenever our little guy joins us, I am going to take some time off from blogging regularly. I imagine there will be no shortage of new baby pictures and updates over on Instagram in the meantime, though.

I am praising the GOOD NEWS these days that there are COVID vaccine trials that are getting ready to start their final phases of testing. YAY!!!

I’m getting that bug to do some clothes shopping. After being able to wear only a handful of clothes in my closet the past few months over and over, I’ve been scouring the internet for all the things that I’m yearning to buy. Still holding off buying anything new summery, but all I want right now is all the comfy dresses!

Watercolor Stripe Strappy Maxi Dress

Like this super comfy, elegant maxi from Loft.

Also….this pullover from Carly Jean. Loooove. I can see spending so many Saturdays in this with my boys.

Another beautiful bunch of flowers brought in from the garden. I’m giving an update tour about how everything in my west garden is performing on my Instagram today! So head over there is you’re a flower person.

Have a great weekend! We’ll be beating the heat in our very fancy baby pool and waiting on little man #2 to make his appearance!

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