Friday Favorites {08.16.19}

I’m linking up with ErikaNarci and Andrea and sharing my Friday Favorites this week!

Gorgeous sunflowers to brighten the house as we start to mentally welcome in fall. I don’t fully embrace fall until after Labor Day. It’s just a rule in this house. No fall scents, no fall decorations, NO FALL until after Labor Day. After that, we will do ALL THE FALL THINGS. But flowers are always allowed in this house. 🙂

My brain is still at the beach. <3 If you missed my recap, with more pictures than should ever be allowed on a blog post, check it out HERE.

As much as I love being on vacation and exploring somewhere new, I miss this sweet puppy face. Sawyer is ALWAYS a favorite. Love my golden girl.

It’s already time to start thinking about fall planting season! Tulips, tulips, tulips! A beautiful early spring garden is planted in the fall. 🙂

My very good friend, and Bar Method instructor, Sara shared the most perfect video that every woman, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparent, mentor to a little girl needs to take 15 minutes and watch. This video is all of the YES to raising girls. Can I get an amen? 🙂

Happy Friday, all!

2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {08.16.19}

    1. I love tulips! Do you treat tulips as perennials or annuals? I pull them out and replant new ones each year.

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