Some of you are all, “I CAN’T WAIT FOR FALL! Crisp air, leaves changing, pumpkin spice. Cozy sweaters.” But I’m all over here hanging on to summer. This summer seemed to go so fast. And I’m only in a small bit of denial about it coming to an end. In two more weekends, I’ll embrace fall fully. Don’t you worry. 🙂
I’ve got another round of random Friday Favorites today linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea!

Eeeeeeek! Taylor Swift’s new album, Lover is out! Taylor Swift is my not so secret guilty-pleasure. I’m going to be playing this on repeat alllllll weekend. I’ve been prepping Harrison to embrace T. Swift by replaying all of the oldies this week. Watching a baby bop to a good song maaaaaay be one of the cutest things in the whole world.

An unexpected free afternoon, and beautiful weather. A quick working lunch on a patio.

A Saturday morning playing dress up with his cousin, Evie. The way children live their lives “full-out” with no inhibitions is one of my most favorite things about kiddos.

Sometimes something as simple as a new watch band brightens your day.

My parents are celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary TODAY! Love them so so much and the example they are in our lives.
If you blogged your favorites this week, make sure to link up! Can’t wait to read about what’s brightened your week!
Wedding picture by Kevin McBride.