Friday Favorites {09.15.23}

Today is hard. It’s my last day with baby Aidan on leave. My last day of maternity leave with my last baby. Today is just hard. I’ve been trying to soak all of his little babyness in this week, but I still feel the sadness at the idea that I won’t be there to see every minute of his life now.

So thankful for five and a half months with my little boy.

I often times find myself marveling at how lucky I am to be not only this boy’s mama, but all three boys. It’s been a hard and beautiful season of life – this having babies and growing our family. Now it’s time to raise them up, and give them the best life we possibly can.

I remember when I took this picture feeding Aidan in the middle of the night…

…knowing that this exhaustion wouldn’t last, but feeling like things were really, really hard.

And here we are five months later, and that feels like a blink of an eye.

A much needed date night with Nathan. It’s been a long time coming.

When we were at the bar, I remarked that one of their prints was a print of my favorite painting. I asked him if he knew the painting. His response was something to the effect of, “I haven’t seen that particular one before, but I recognize the style.”

The picture was Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss,” and a print of it has been hanging in our hall bathroom for the last ten years.

When the art project of the day comes home as a Patrick Mahomes painting made out of handprints. It was ADORABLE. And I will be displaying it in my home for many, many years to come.


Getting a little garden inspiration for next year at the Arboretum this week. Loved the height and color depth of the coleus against the new guinea impatiens.

A meditation that I’ve been needing lately.

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend planned!

6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {09.15.23}

  1. Aw, I wish I had words of wisdom for you about heading back to work but I don’t… It’s amazing how that time can both fly right by and yet seem to drag (especially during those first sleep deprived months where you feel like you can barely function). I had to laugh over the print though; I am so glad my husband is not the only one who seems oblivious to things like that. It comes in handy when I want to change things up around the house though and know he won’t really notice unless I make major changes!

    1. It’s no wonder that bachelor houses tend to look the way they do. Zero cares about decorating or what’s on the walls. Hahahaha.

  2. Your little guy is so precious! I’m so sorry you have to head back to work I know it’s hard! I will be praying for you! Those gardens are so gorgeous and I love the motivational quote at the end! Have a great weekend!

  3. I love that Patrick Mahomes art!! So cute.
    Aw, I can empathize with you going back to work. It’s always hard when a new transition comes along, you want your kids to grow and learn but it’s not easy to let go.

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