Friday Favorites {11.29.19}

Oh my goodness, it feels like I’ve been gone from this little corner of the internet for so long, and it’s been less than a week. I hope that your Thanksgiving was wonderful – full of family or friends that are like family. With all the family time lately, and time away with Nathan, I’m sharing a little “Life Lately” in combination with my Friday Favorites.

After five days away from this little guy, spending Thanksgiving morning making our traditional biscuits and gravy for the Macy’s parade was extra special. It was a little messier than normal thanks to my little helper. But so much cuter. We’ve been using Harrison’s stool non-stop since it arrived. I blogged about it last week in my Friday Favorites.

Nathan and I got away to one of our favorite cities, NYC, for four days of alone time to celebrate our five year wedding anniversary. We’ve been to NYC numerous times, and just love exploring together. We have the best time, and I’ll share more from our trip later next week when I can sort through pictures!

Today is Black Friday. I get so overwhelmed by the deals of Black Friday, but oh my goodness, it is so hard to not buy things for myself. This is less of a favorite, but rather a challenge. I’m challenging myself to not buy anything for myself this Christmas season, especially when I’m spending more time on websites I don’t usually frequent. Do you think you could do the same? Instead focus on what you are giving to others? I’m going to guess that it probably also means that you end up spending less this holiday season too. 🙂

Is anyone else watching The Morning Show on Apple TV? Nathan and I have been loving it. It’s eerily similar to a certain network morning news show that fired an anchor for sexual misconduct. Super entertaining and star-studded.

That’s all I have for this week! I’ll be back next Tuesday! Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

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