Friday Favorites from Amazon Lately {11.22.19}

Nathan and I are on our way to the airport today for a little alone time in one of our favorite cities: NYC! I’m going to take a little break from blogging to enjoy time with my main guy and our family during the Thanksgiving holiday. But I’ll still be hanging out over on my Instagram Stories if you want to catch up there! I’ll be back for some Black Friday Favorites! I’ve rounded up some of my favorite Amazon purchases lately this Friday!

Harrison is in a phase where he wants to be held in the kitchen so that he can observe and “help” with all of the cooking. I love that he wants to see what’s happening and how our food gets made. But my left arm weight load just isn’t quite keeping up with how big he’s getting. Not to mention, cooking can prove pretty challenging when trying to keep a toddler away from a hot stove where he wants to lunge towards and touch the pans.

I’ve been eyeing this booster stool for a looooong time. Mostly because it was quite the investment for a baby item. However, after having Harrison fall off a chair once trying to help, I finally pulled the trigger.

Having him join me in cooking and helping in the kitchen is so much fun (usually). I can just see his little mind learning and taking in all of the new things, and I love that he can climb up in it by himself, and it keeps him from falling off.

I shared these two new front door rugs the other week, but wanted to mention them again because they are definitely one of my favorite Amazon purchases lately. We’ve been rocking the previous owner’s front door rug for five years, and I finally decided it was time for a change that was in my decor taste.

Checkered rug || Home Sweet Home Rug

Ok….it’s not from Amazon. I technically bought it from Target, which is about as close as you can get to Amazon. And I’m sure they sell it on Amazon, because, what doesn’t Amazon sell?

I so rarely paint my fingernails. I get upset spending so much time letting them dry (I usually smudge at least one or two of them because I’m so impatient), and THEN to have them start chipping a couple days later. But alas, here I am trying my hand at painting my fingernails again. And in honor of that momentous occasion, I gifted myself a new nail polish, and I think it’s lovely. It’s a little more light purply than this picture looks. But the little shimmer and light color is perfect for winter and New Year’s!

With every last thing needing to be labeled going to daycare, I love these personalized labels I can slip around his water bottle Harrison takes to school. They’re cute and come in so many different colors!

And with winter weather ahead, and no mud room at our house, wet, muddy, salty shoes get left by our stairs on our hardwood floors. A few years ago, I invested in one of these boot trays, and am adding a second this year with a another little pair of feet tracking in snow and sleet this year!

4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites from Amazon Lately {11.22.19}

  1. My cousin was gifted a booster stool when my goddaughter was born and it was the best thing ever!! When her twin brothers came along it was even more useful lol! I plan to get one when I have children. Love your fall decor!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

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