Giving Thanks for My Grandpa Bush

{{My Grandpa Bush was promoted to glory last Saturday morning. I process feelings by writing, and in particular writing letters. Below is a letter I wrote to my Grandpa this week.}}

Dear Grandpa,

I just polished off a chocolate chip cookie. It made me smile and think of you. You never turned down a sweet, and always so willingly took our Halloween cast-off candy each year.

I’m sorry that I didn’t get to talk to you one last time before you passed. I’m sorry I didn’t get to thank you and tell you that I love you.

Thank you for so many wonderful memories. For taking us camping and fishing, always baiting the hook for us. Thank you for the hours spent playing doctor, eating pretend food that we’d cook you, or playing in the basement as we pretended that we had a secret club, no parents allowed, with our own secret code language.

Thank you for teaching us to take care of wildlife, feed the birds, and for letting us catch chipmunks only to be re-homed to “Chipmunk Motel.” I do this now with Harrison, and it brings a smile to my face every time I see a little chipmunk to be re-homed.

Thank you for teaching us every card game we’ve ever known. For always making us laugh saying, “Somebody’s fibbin’” when we played.

Thank you for so many wonderful memories at the cabin in the Hills. The afternoons spent swinging in the hammock, playing in the sandbox, feeding the deer, and walks to get the mail.

Thank you for sharing your love of Jesus with us every chance you got. And for encouraging us in the power of written words and cards.

I can hear in my mind the little ditties you would sing to pass the silence. I hear your laugh and your voice so clearly. I can see your smile, and the joy you’d bring to the people around you.

I hope you get read to this and know how much you are loved. Always and forever, Grandpa.

Until we meet again,


{I’m going to take a week long break over Thanksgiving week to be with my little family and relax. I’ll see you all back here the week after Thanksgiving!}

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