Well, like a lot of things these days, birthdays don’t look the same. We had high hopes for a party with our families. Time spent playing outside, opening presents, and eating cake. Harrison turned 2 on Monday, and while Easter here was rainy, cold, and we were stuck inside the whole day, I was determined to have a more positive outlook to celebrate Harrison’s second birthday.
I woke Harrison up in the morning, and we had breakfast together. He chose pancakes and yogurt. Lots of yogurt. And then he got to pick out his birthday outfit, so, of course, it had to be his “Sharp Tooth” shirt.

We did some playing upstairs in his playroom, and watching Mickey. Then, we finished the morning giving Sawyer a bath, which turned into a second bath for Harrison. Harrison LOVES getting to help with chores right now. Let’s be real, it makes it about a thousand times more difficult to do, but it’s so much fun to watch him try to help and learn. Harrison’s favorite part of Sawyer bathtime was filling the cup with water and rinsing her…er, I mean mostly himself, with water.

In the afternoon, despite the frigid temps, we got outside for a walk in the sunshine.
After our very cold walk, we came home and prepped the sweet potatoes for dinner, and then got to Zoom call with our whole family. The smile on Harrison’s face as they sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him was priceless.

Evie made us all laugh, because she was most concerned that there didn’t appear to be a cake at our house for baby Harrison to blow out the candles.

Dinner consisted of some of Harrison’s favorites: mac and cheese, cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes, and strawberries & kiwi. My mom loves to tell this story from when my sister, Kendra, and I were kids, and she made a fancy mac & cheese homemade, and Kendra & I refused to eat it because it didn’t “taste as good” as Kraft. And you know what my child did for his birthday? Refused to eat his fancy mac and cheese because he prefers the box. Ugh. Sometimes genes can not be denied.
And the best part of the birthday boy’s night? The cupcakes!

I’m not a baker, and I’ve never made a cupcake in my life before this. I guess quarantine brings out all sorts of new skills. Both edible and enjoyed by all three of us. 🙂

Little man ate ALL the frosting and one bite of the cupcake and was the happiest little two year old I’ve ever seen.

Like so many things during this time period in history, this wasn’t what we had planned to celebrate his second birthday. But it’s amazing the perspective a two year old can give you about what really matters in celebrations. He was happy and joyful the whole day, just thrilled to have all of his Mommy’s attention, some of his favorite foods, getting to sing happy birthday, and frosting to top it all off.

I’m so very thankful to be his Mommy. Happy second birthday, Harrison!