If you went back even just six months ago, I would have told you that I’m not a reader. That as much as I wish I used my free time to read, I never did except for the occasional couple of pages read before bed to help me fall asleep. It would take me months and months to read a whole book. In fact, sometimes it was a whole year of reading the same book. The fact of the matter is, I don’t have much free time. I use my free time to write here on this blog, and when I need a mental break at the end of the day, I veg out watching trashy reality TV.

And then one day back in June, Nathan mentioned that he had downloaded Matthew McConaughey’s new book Greenlights on Audible and that it was really good, and I should listen to it as well. I had been hearing so many interviews that Matthew was on talking about the book, I’d heard him read excerpts from the book, and had mentally added it to my “in a year when I finish my current book, I’ll pick that one up to read.”
However, now that Nathan had it on Audible and we shared an account, I thought, “why the heck not?” And I was hooked. I flew through it, and immediately downloaded the next book I had been dying to read.
And that’s when I became a “reader.” Finally!
Here’s what works for me…
I use the app Goodreads to track the books that I want to read and have read. You can find me on there if you search for “Lauren Lane.” I like that it suggests other books for me to read based on what I’ve read and liked, as well as telling me what other users are reading that week. I find about 50% of the books I read based on the app’s suggestions, and following other friends on the app to see what they’re reading and liking.

I use Audible to listen to most of my audio books. You get one free credit a month, and I usually end up buying a couple of additional books or reading something that Nathan has already purchased because we share an Amazon Prime family membership.
You can also check-out and borrow audiobooks from your local library, generally. It’s a great way to be able to “read” more for no additional money.
I listen whenever I’m doing chores. I stick my AirPods in, and turn on my book, and I listen to it at 1.4x speed. That means I finish 40% faster than listening to it at normal speed.
I listen while I’m prepping dinner for the evening, doing gardening clean up outside, taking the dog on a walk, folding laundry, making the bed. You get the idea. If I’m doing something mostly brainless, I listen to a part of my book, and it’s amazing between the speed I listen to it, and using these short bursts of time, how many books I can read in a given month.
Here are my previous month’s book reviews:

Tomorrow, I’m going to be sharing my September book review, so come back to tell me what you thought of the books I read this past month and suggest your favorite fall book for me!
Yes!! Audiobooks are a gamechanger, my main source of reading for 4 years now! I mostly use Libby & Hoopla through my library with an occasional book in print or on Audible. I listen at 1.85 speed usually these days! And now I find when I do read print that I can get a little annoyed with how slow it goes or how long it takes me to get through the book lol
1.85 speed is insane! I can’t even imagine that! Serious goals for me. When I listened to a book with my husband, he insisted on 1.1 speed, and I was shocked at how slooooooow it seemed.
I need to try audio books…I’m just afraid I get easily distracted 🤣 when my kids were little, i didn’t have time to read. Finally, about four years ago (they were 7), I felt like I could pick up books again…but that was also during the summer when I had more free time. I’ve barely been reading lately …just no time, unfortunately
It’s so hard finding time to sit with a book. I always feel like I have a million things I need to do and don’t have the luxury to just sit. 😆
I feel the same way! Hang in there 🤪
I am a major reader.. but I have a hard time listening to books as I tend to tune them out when I get busy and then realize I missed part of the story. My boys and I do listen to Audiobooks in the car and have for years but we listen to children’s and (now) young adult novels. Whenever I miss part of the story that way they can fill me in.
Oh my goodness. Yes. I find myself tuning out sometimes and realizing that I need to go back and “re-read.” 😬
The Good Reads app has been so helpful for me too! I love tracking what I have read and seeing what my friends have read too! You have some great reads this summer, many are on my TBR!
Yes! Love being able to follow what friends are reading. It gives me the best ideas of what to read next!