All About…How Nathan and I Met

Our very first picture together at a K-State game December 2012

I sat down to write this blog post, and oh my goodness, did it bring back so many memories.  The very short version of the story is that Nathan and I met at work.  While we never worked together on a project, we saw each other at happy hours and work events, and eventually were hanging around the same crowd, so it came a bit naturally.

The longer version of the story is that Nathan and I first talked, although it was more of a one-sided monologue, at our Company’s retreat to the Lake. Nathan said one sentence to me, I looked at him like he’d lost his mind, and then he walked away.  But it piqued my interest a bit.  I honestly hadn’t paid much attention to him before that.  After that retreat, though, we started hanging around in the same group of people – going to art shows and concerts, going out with the same group of friends on the weekends.  We started to build a friendship, which turned into more than that.  And eventually, he finally asked me on our first date – for lunch.  Because you don’t want to put the pressure on something working when you have to WORK at the same company.  Lunch was a safe bet.

And as they say, the rest is history.  We’ve been together since that day in the fall of 2012.  We no longer work at the same company.  In fact, Nathan left the company shortly after we started dating.  But I like to think he’s forever indebted to them for bringing us together. 🙂

Our first trip together – June 2013

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