Lanes Lately {March 2022}

Sharing what one might call a ”photo dump” on the gram…but all in one blog post. Things I didn’t post, forgot to post, and little pieces of life I want to hold on to forever.

Life looks a hectic running around after this little one…

Jonathan is in full blown destructor mode. His favorite toys are objects around the house and our master bathtub’s water. He has his usual go-to kitchen drawers. I find this particularly fascinating, because they are not the same kitchen drawers that Harrison used to like. Harrison was more of a measuring cup drawer fan. Jonathan enjoys dad’s grill tools and loaf and muffin tins drawers.

The kids had spirit week this past week! I love a good themed week. Here’s a few of them dressed up as: Stripes day, future careers day, and, of course, Jammie day!

We were able to go out two weekends in a row. Meeting up with old friends from my high school this night. This group knows nothing about raising girls. There are six little boys between all of us. 😆

The boys helped me run my errands over the weekend while Dad saw some of his friends for the soccer match. Donuts were much appreciated by my two little awesome helpers!

The boys got joint haircuts the other weekend, and Baby J got his first ever sucker.

Why do haircuts automatically age them at least a full year??

And Nathan and Harrison headed to the Sporting KC game for their home opener. Nathan’s description of Harrison was, ”Absolutely loving every last bit of it, grinning from ear to ear.”

Only a few more weeks before soccer starts again for our little man! It was nice to have a break from activities this winter, but he is going to be so pumped to get out on the pitch again.

That’s what’s been going on at our house lately!

5 thoughts on “Lanes Lately {March 2022}

  1. Yes, I remember thinking the same thing about haircuts when my boys were young! They always looked so much older after each cut.

    1. Sporting KC is such a great place to take kids. So many snacks, nice fans, and lots of easily accessible bathrooms 🙂

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