I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week. Truly can’t believe it. I’ve got a Thanksgiving meal to finish planning and shopping for, and Christmas lists to be finalized for Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping!
MAKING: Christmas gift lists! I’m being more intentional this year about keeping track of what I’m planning on getting each person and what has already been purchased. I always feel like I get to the week before Christmas and can’t remember what I bought for everybody and then overbuy because I panic that I haven’t bought enough for one or both of the boys.
I have very clear memories of my mom not remembering either, and finding Christmas presents stuffed away in her closet months later that she had intended to give on Christmas morning.
WEARING: Sweatshirts and leggings almost every day! Maternity pants are still a little big for me right now, but I’ve definitely sized out of anything remotely considered comfortable in the normal pants world.

LOVING: I’m obsessed with this candle. I just ordered another one for my office! It smells like apples, vanilla, and just a hint of oak. And oh my, it’s so cozy and perfect.

I’m also loving doing Thankful Turkeys with the boys this year. I don’t think there’s probably any mother of toddlers who isn’t following Busy Toddler, but this is one of her activities for the month of November. Each morning, I sit down with the boys at breakfast and ask them what is something or someone that they love, and write it on a feather and add it to each of their Thankful Turkeys. Both the boys and I look forward to this every morning. In fact, the other day, I had forgotten, and Harrison yelled at me down the hall, “Aren’t we going to do our Thankful feathers today?”

Can you guess which turkey belongs to which boy?

This pillow. Obviously, every night. But I got this pillow for Nathan last year for his birthday, and I took a nap with it recently and woke up thinking to myself…..I have to have this pillow. I’m a side sleeper, and the pickiest person about my sleep set-up. I wish I was one of those people that could sleep anywhere at any time, but I’m just not. I believe in investing in the things that contribute to a really good night of sleep. A nice mattress. Soft, cool sheets. And a really good pillow. Nothing changes how your day starts like a good night of rest.
Currently I’m enjoying my one very cherished cup of coffee a day. Of all the food items you give up in pregnancy, I think enjoying a couple nice hot cups of a coffee in the morning is the one that I miss the most.

My boys. I know that sounds lame, but I think to myself at least once a day, wow. I love this age. I love this time of year with so much excitement for them. (And also, why can’t my two year old just do what I say rather than shouting ‘NO!’ at every last request in endless quest for power. 🙂 )

That’s a little bit of our life lately! Hope you’re having a good week!
Those thankful turkeys are so cute!! It’s such a great practice to get them into when they’re young too.
Love this practice so much, and it’s helped me too be more mindful too sitting with them each morning and remembering all the things I’m thankful for myself.
I’m starting to make Christmas lists too. Trying to stay organized. I love the turkeys. Too precious. I wasn’t a big coffee drinker until after I had kids…but I would have definitely struggled with that!