Let’s Look At…Your Gift Wrapping Station

It’s “Let’s Look At” day with Shay and Erika, and I LOVE reading through these links getting a glimpse into your lives! Today we’re looking at our gift wrapping station.

My gift wrapping station has been taken over by a little boy’s playroom. I used to have a whole unused room upstairs that once a year turned into Santa’s workshop, but now, that room gets used much more by a little guy playing with his toys, dog, and soccer games.

Most wrapping gets done during nap time, and then all wrapping, bows, and ribbons get shoved back in the closet until the next nap time! I only buy wrapping paper now from Hallmark. I head over the day after Christmas to a Hallmark store, when all of their wrapping paper is 50% off. It’s the best quality, and for the OCD part of me that loves straight lines, but is incapable of actually cutting in a straight line, it has cutting lines on the inside of the paper.

I try to do a little bit of wrapping each weekend, so I’m not slammed with doing it all right before Christmas. I think it adds to the joy and anticipation, getting to see packages wrapped under the tree in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Almost all of Harrison’s gifts this year are second hand from a consignment sale my sister and I go to twice a year. I stock up on a bunch of gifts for Christmas, Easter, and his birthday. Kids toys are expensive, and getting them 50-75% off for gently used toys makes this time of year so much easier!

8 thoughts on “Let’s Look At…Your Gift Wrapping Station

  1. I used to have my own room too but as the boys have grown more and more of that space has been taken over. It’s OK though I know I’ll have those rooms back again someday and then I’ll wish I didn’t. I’ll have to stop at Hallmark on my day after shopping; I never thought to look there for paper. I am really not liking the few rolls I picked up last year at Target; they’re ripping as I’m trying to cut. Just not good quality paper at all.

    1. That’s exactly what I think about not having a gift wrapping room anymore. I’m much happier to have a little boy running around and playing in there. 😊 And wrapping paper that rips easily just drives me crazy!! Hallmark’s is super durable. Also – Home Goods has great durable paper too for a good price – just no cutting lines to help you cut straight. 😊

  2. I came to your blog from Erika’s link up. I want to say kudos to the gently used toys-I love it! So practical and I appreciate the way you don’t get suck down the new shiny toy rabbit hole.

    1. Thanks, Kara! It is so hard to not get sucked down the new toy rabbit hole! You just want to give your kiddos the best of everything. Thanks for stopping by 😊

  3. I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one that buys their kids second hand toys for Christmas. My kids are still so young that they have no idea (nor do they care) and I don’t feel bad if they don’t play with it as much as I hoped they would.

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